Folders Program Version 2.1 (c)Copyrigh 1991 Sloop Software The folders program adds depth to the Program Manager groups. It gives the ability equivalent to having groups within groups. Each folder can hold any type of file you decide to place in it, including more folders. Features include: - Add any type of item to a folder - Move or copy items from folder to folder - Launch your applications directly from a folder - Customizable command lines for any item - Icon representation of items in folder - Tie two or more folders to the same subfolder - No limit on nesting folders within folders Changes from Version 2.0 - Only one copy of a particular folder may now be open at a time. Double-clicking on the folder icon or using the Open command on a folder already open will make the folder selected the active window, even if iconized. It will not reopen the folder. - Group level folders are now created so their icon may be changed by simply going to the Change Icon menu of the Properties command and selecting View Next. Previously, it was necessary to replace the file name in the Change Icon dialog with FOLDERS.EXE. - Subfolders will now always appear starting in the lower-left hand corner of the folder. ********************************************************************* IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have already installed a previous version of Folders, you do not need to re-install the new version. Instead, simply copy FOLDERS.EXE and FOLDERS.HLP over the old version files. Do not copy over your FOLDERS.INI file. ********************************************************************* Installation: 1. Copy the files FOLDERS.EXE, FOLDERS.HLP and FOLDERS.INI to your windows directory. 2. Run FINSTALL and follow its directions. Note that if your windows directory is not on the C drive or is not named windows, you will get an error message. Simply click on CANCEL to continue the install procedure. 3. That's it. Your are now ready to start getting organized. If this installation process should fail, follow the directions for manual install found in FOLDERS.WRI. Getting Started: 1. Once the program is installed, open your first folder. 2. You can rename it, if you want, using the name command under the FILE menu. Be sure and rename it in the program group, too. 3. From this folder, or any folder you create, you can make new folders. Simply choose new from the FILE menu. You can create subfolders or new group level folders such as this first folder. 4. Create whatever folders you want and add items to them using the add command from the EDIT menu. For detail information on each command, use either the help menu or read FOLDERS.WRI. 5. A word of warning on creating new folders. Each folder needs to have a unique name. Lower or upper case makes no difference. Files on Disk: FOLDERS.EXE - the executable for Folders FOLDERS.INI - Folders initialization file FOLDERS.HLP - Folders help file README.TXT - this file FOLDERS.WRI - documentation on folders FINSTALL.EXE - Folders install program FLD0000.FL0 - empty folder for use in manual install ORDERFRM.TXT - Folders order form Note that this is a shareware program. As such, this version only supports fifteen folders. Registering this program gets you a version that supports well over a hundred folders. Pay a twenty dollar fee and get the next version free or pay fifteen dollars, in which case the next version will cost ten dollars. Be sure and specify your name, address,the name of the program and the version number when registering. The fee is payable to: Sloop Software Please add an additional $1.50 6457 Mesedge Lane for 3.5" disk. Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Colorado residents, please add the applicable sales tax. Registering the program also entitles you to customer support. Direct your comments to the above address or CIS 72540,144.