Thesaur Plus Installation (C) 1989 By Derrick Burgess Attention: Information you should know before proceeding Minimum requirements for running Thesaur Plus. DOS 3.0 OR greater Hard drive with 475k free 78k of RAM, or 10K of RAM and an additional 120k disk space --Thesaur Plus will not work off of a floppy system-- If you are interested in a thesaurus that does run off of a floppy system you will need to get a copy of the program Thesaur. It will run off of a floppy system, but will not pop up over any other program and runs as a stand alone thesaurus. Files on this disk: ATENTION.DOC This File GO.BAT Installation batch file Part 1 PART2.BAT Installation batch file Part 2 INSTALL.EXE Main Installation program Also allows changing of colors and HotKey later THESPLUS.DOC Documentation for Thesaur Plus THESPLUS.EXE Thesaur Plus Memory Resident thesaurus THESPLUS.TXT Thesaur Plus Registration form THESDATA.ZIP Shrunk data file REMOVE.COM Removes Thesaur Plus from memory UNZIP.EXE Unshrinks data file (I know some people will try to remove this file, but it must be included! Don't worry, if you have PkUnZip it will use that instead) Files Not shown or files Created and erased by INSTALL.EXE THESSET.BAT Installation batch file Part 1.5 Files copied to destination drive upon installation INSTALL.EXE Not necessary unless you want to change colors or HotKey THESPLUS.DOC Not necessary but a good idea to keep the doc's close THESPLUS.EXE VERY IMPORTANT THESPLUS.DAT VERY IMPORTANT THESPLUS.TXT IMPORTANT REMOVE.COM Not necessary unless you want to remove ThesPlus from memory Instructions to start installation Insert original disk in drive A: and type GO Installation assumes Target disk is any drive (created or not) on C: What INSTALL does. First it asks for a target directory to install Thesaur Plus on. This can be any subdirectory on C: whether it exists currently or not. Then Files are copied to that drive, the data file is unshrunk, and the environment is changed to include Thesaur Plus. If you have a color monitor, INSTALL also asks you what colors you would like to use. I recommend that you use the same background for all your choices, but it is up to you. Next, you are asked what Hot Key you would like to use. This is the key combination you must press to "Pop up" Thesaur Plus over your word processor. You are given 10 choices, one of which should fit your style of writing. Finally, you are asked a couple of questions about Options that you would like included. These are - 1) Use Disk Swapping? See also THESPLUS.DOC 2) Use Color if available? Lastly, A Batch file (C:\THESPLUS.BAT) is created which contains the information from the above questions, and the last line tells you how to load Thesaur Plus into memory. Thesaur Plus Installation (C) 1989 By Derrick Burgess Member, Association of Shareware Professionals.