137 files found in Library "WP"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ASCIIM.ZIP Yes 2812 12/26/1989 Extended ASCII character macro for BRIEF -
BB725.ZIP Yes 110987 4/21/1987 Blackbeard the text editor ver 7.25 002
BIB311A.ZIP Yes 133890 4/9/1989 Bibliography v 3.11 citation manager 1 of 2
BIB311B.ZIP Yes 118128 4/9/1989 Bibliography v 3.11 2 of 2
BLMAGIC.ZIP Yes 508363 7/13/1990 The complete Black MAgic hypertext system
BMAGIC12.ZIP Yes 211593 6/10/1988 Black Magic v1.2 Authoring System
BMMANUAL.ZIP Yes 100968 6/10/1988 Black Magic v1.2 (hypertext) documentation.
BRCALC.ZIP Yes 3813 12/26/1989 BRIEF macro for a pop-up calculator
BRFMAC.ZIP Yes 1763 12/26/1989 BRIEF macro to jump forward/backward by
BUZZWRD1.ZIP Yes 11379 12/29/1989 Generate impressive sounding phrases
CASECHNG.ZIP Yes 1875 1/31/1990 Changes Case of Block of Wordprocessor Text
CD_WS.ZIP Yes 1302 1/4/1986 Change directories within WORDSTAR 3.3x
CONVDW.ZIP Yes 19911 1/19/1990 v1.02 of Display Write file convertor
CONVPF.ZIP Yes 11352 12/31/1985 Convert PFS:WRITE/Writing Asst files to ASCII
DIRMACRO.ZIP Yes 13084 4/16/1990 directory macro for BRIEF
EAGLEWRD.ZIP Yes 169564 2/19/1989 Eagle Word word processing program
EZHELP.ZIP Yes 96887 4/24/1991 Util for creating application help systems
EZTYPE.ZIP Yes 10785 7/3/1987 Easy to use word processor
FILT7M.ZIP Yes 4889 1/1/1989 Converts WordStar/other WP files to pure ASC
FNF.ZIP Yes 121269 10/9/1990 Friday Night Football Game (Shareware)
GALAXY1.ZIP Yes 290446 3/30/1991
GALAXY One of the highest rated word-processors available. Many un ique
features; and very easy to use.
GALAXY2.ZIP Yes 69397 3/30/1991 DISK 2 OF 2
GALAXY30.ZIP Yes 343882 6/1/1990 Galaxy Word Processor v3.0, Easy Menus
GJGMA2.ZIP Yes 5328 2/4/1990 Word for Windows macro packet (g.gallo)
GJGMA4.ZIP Yes 12433 3/20/1990 Word for Windows macros: MacroKey, MergeMac
GLITE1.ZIP Yes 228205 6/25/1990 Galaxy Lite v1.0 word processing. Fast & easy
GLXY300B.ZIP Yes 69401 5/31/1990 Printer support for Galaxy WP v3.0
GW16.ZIP Yes 210976 12/12/1990 Galaxy Lite ver 1.6
HELPMA11.ZIP Yes 26107 10/31/1989 HelpMaster v1.10:TSR help screens for Borland Sprint, Microsoft Word & DOS
HELPSPC1.ZIP Yes 29962 11/24/1990
6K TSR to assist with inserting special ASCII characters into word processor
documents. Menu-driven w/displays.
HOVRCRFT.ZIP Yes 38951 7/16/1990 Hovercraft game supports EGA/VGA
HVN50B.ZIP Yes 14023 4/28/1990 v5.0B Writers Heaven add-on for PC-Write 3
HYPWDEMO.ZIP Yes 154423 9/20/1990 Demo of Hypertext Writer program.
INTEXT1.ZIP Yes 86440 4/18/1991
INTEXT The world's first truly multilingual word processor availabl e
through shareware. Many languages included.
INTEXT12.ZIP Yes 178258 4/30/1990 Multi-Lingual Word Processing Software!
INTEXT2.ZIP Yes 178527 4/18/1991 DISK 2 OF 2
JPUNCT.ZIP Yes 11177 12/31/1979 check punctuation
LANCELOT.ZIP Yes 142872 9/28/1989 Writing analysis program
LEGALWS5.ZIP Yes 14723 6/16/1990 LEGAL.DCT for Wordstar 5.5
LOGITECH.ZIP Yes 27766 10/11/1989 Video Driver Fix for Mouse for MS Word & Wrks
ME_BRIEF.ZIP Yes 2679 12/26/1989 Brief keyboard macro for Multi-Edit
MINDR200.ZIP Yes 174795 3/23/1988 AI Wordprocessor. Learns as you go.
MINDREAD.ZIP Yes 184229 10/15/1990
MINDREADER An artificial-intelligence based wordprocessor that analyzes
your writing style and suggests possible word combinations an d phrases.
MKTABL.ZIP Yes 59050 3/31/1990 Table making util for PC Write
MSWORD5A.ZIP Yes 205390 1/3/1989 Demo of Microsoft Word v 5.0 (1 of 5)
MSWORD5B.ZIP Yes 102296 1/4/1989 Demo of Microsoft Word v 5.0 (2 of 5)
MSWORD5C.ZIP Yes 104910 1/4/1989 Demo of Microsoft Word v 5.0 (3 of 5)
MSWORD5D.ZIP Yes 129031 1/2/1989 Demo of Microsoft Word v 5.0 (4 of 5)
MSWORD5E.ZIP Yes 116484 1/4/1989 Demo of Microsoft Word v 5.0 (5 of 5)
M_EDIT.ZIP Yes 178425 4/22/1988 Word Processing program very impressive
NOBIT7.ZIP Yes 3490 10/18/1988 Remove WordStar control chars from files. 002
NYWORD.ZIP Yes 134712 5/5/1988 v1.0 new PD word processor, powerful 002
PC-TYPE1.ZIP Yes 343783 4/24/1991
PC-TYPE II Buttonware's easy-to-learn full function word processor with a ll
the features found on commercial programs.
PC-TYPE2.ZIP Yes 360735 4/23/1991 DISK 2 OF 3
PC-TYPE3.ZIP Yes 356524 4/24/1991 DISK 3 OF 3
PCO.ZIP Yes 116666 4/10/1990
PC OUTLINE! Lets you outline and organize any item by helping you arrange
and re-arrange them.
PCT2_1.ZIP Yes 343959 6/27/1989 ButtonWare word processor PC-Type 1/3
PCT2_2.ZIP Yes 411505 6/9/1989 ButtonWare word processor PC-Type 2/3
PCT2_3.ZIP Yes 305762 6/27/1989 ButtonWare word processor PC-Type 3/3
PCW303A.ZIP Yes 179958 12/27/1989 Version 3.03 of PC-Write (disk 1 of 3)
PCW303B.ZIP Yes 179817 12/6/1988 Version 3.03 of PC-Write (disk 2 of 3)
PCW303C.ZIP Yes 228835 12/2/1988 Version 3.03 of PC-Write (disk 3 of 3)
PCWL101A.ZIP Yes 215622 2/14/1990 PC-Write Lite v1.01 1 of 2
PCWL101B.ZIP Yes 139954 2/14/1990 PC-Write Lite v1.01 2 of 2
PCWLITE1.ZIP Yes 127881 10/30/1990
PC-WRITE LITE A simpler version of Quicksoft's PC-Writ word processor; with
many complexities removed; but stil very powerful.
PCWLITE2.ZIP Yes 87759 10/30/1990 DISK 2 OF 2
PCWRITE1.ZIP Yes 180035 4/22/1991 Fantastic WP! Works under M/L! 001
PCWRITE2.ZIP Yes 180456 4/22/1991 DISK 2 OF 3
PCWRITE3.ZIP Yes 229456 4/22/1991 DISK 3 OF 3
PCWRT271.ZIP Yes 1027 2/10/1987 warning about pc-write 2.71 trojan
PCW_FONT.ZIP Yes 61611 1/19/1988 PC Write font selector utility
PCW_MACS.ZIP Yes 28038 3/9/1989 Over 100 macros for PCW 3.0x Simple Prod v1.1
PC_IDX30.ZIP Yes 145036 8/5/1990
PC-Index 3.0 document index generator single word, capitalized words and
phrase index capabilities.
PC_WREAD.ZIP Yes 106772 2/6/1990 PC-Write support: useful program, great doc's
PHRASE51.ZIP Yes 33916 2/15/1989 Analyze your writing style.
PROWRT45.ZIP Yes 85477 6/19/1990 Prowriter v4.5; good shareware word processor
PW_1.ZIP Yes 153451 4/12/1989 PFS:Pro-Write 2.1 demo start up disk
PW_2.ZIP Yes 156858 4/12/1989 PFS:Pro-Write 2.1 demo program disk
PW_3.ZIP Yes 136772 4/12/1989 PFS:Pro-Write 2.1 demo printer disk
PW_4.ZIP Yes 154996 4/12/1989 PFS:Pro-Write 2.1 demo Preview disk
QEDIT.ZIP Yes 128048 3/31/1991 QEDIT A very fast; compact; and easily-customizable multi-file text editor.
QTEXT210.ZIP Yes 100236 12/16/1990
Hebrew Word Processor v2.10 Converts to/from English & prints & writes left
to right or flips.
READ1.ZIP Yes 56473 10/18/1990
READABILITY PLUS A writing style analyzer that looks for sentences or words
tha t aren't appropriate for the writers' intended audience.
READ2.ZIP Yes 100353 10/18/1990 DISK 2 OF 2
READPLUS.ZIP Yes 156808 7/11/1990 Writing style analyzer
REMOVE2.ZIP Yes 1012 2/2/1990 Remove Superfluous Paragraph Marks
RUBICON1.ZIP Yes 68014 2/14/1990
RUBICON PUBLISHER Desktop publisher which handles type formatting &
arrangement; page layout; type fonts; etc. Top rated!
RUBICON2.ZIP Yes 125284 2/14/1990 DISK 2 OF 5
RUBICON3.ZIP Yes 59356 2/14/1990 DISK 3 OF 5
RUBICON4.ZIP Yes 106677 2/14/1990 DISK 4 OF 5
RUBICON5.ZIP Yes 158230 2/14/1990 DISK 5 OF 5
RUSS30.ZIP Yes 53988 1/21/1989 A Russian Word Processor. (CGA/EGA/VGA)
S-SPELL.ZIP Yes 264756 2/21/1990
SHARESPELL A "stand-alone" spelling checker to check the spelling of text
SAPIR.ZIP Yes 197283 1/28/1991 Demo Of Hebrew/English/Russian Word Processor
SBW101.ZIP Yes 64853 8/8/1989 SoapBox Writer v1.01 small, simple wrd proc
SIDETWO.ZIP Yes 15969 7/2/1990 Produce two sided document from any word processor
SS20.ZIP Yes 264742 2/21/1990 Sharespell version 2.00
SUPERDEX.ZIP Yes 113906 9/15/1990 Dialer/wordprocessor with mouse support
SW40.ZIP Yes 148320 7/9/1990 Sagewords ver 4.0 Word processing software
THESAR33.ZIP Yes 138456 10/30/1988 thesarus v3.3 non-tsr easy to use
THESAUR.ZIP Yes 229539 3/31/1991
THESAUR Superb; magnificent; impressive; excellent; (get the idea?) on -line
thesaurus with x-referencing and word search.
THESPLUS.ZIP Yes 359579 5/8/1990 Thesaurus Plus synonym finder TSR
UED15.ZIP Yes 41976 10/6/1989
Useful Editor v1.5: Windowing, support for Mono thru VGA, simple,
VDE16.ZIP Yes 114104 12/13/1990 VDE TEXT EDITOR VERSION 1.6
VIET1P5.ZIP Yes 54663 7/7/1990 Vietnamese Word Processor & TEXT editor. Has Vietnamese characters.
W2SMART.ZIP Yes 10102 8/27/1987 convert Wordstar files to Smart format
WASTRIP.ZIP Yes 1584 6/27/1986 Turn IBM Writing Assistant file to ASCII
WC11.ZIP Yes 8503 11/22/1990
Analyze text files, gives number of words, character distribution, number of
unique words, and frequency distribution, Latest Ver.
WDCOUNT.ZIP Yes 10033 9/4/1986 Word counter for all Mulitimate/text files
WHEAVEN.ZIP Yes 15690 3/3/1990 Writers Heaven key macros make PC Write
WHEAVEN5.ZIP Yes 14890 1/11/1990 Large collection of PC-Write macros
WP-LRN1.ZIP Yes 141148 4/24/1991
WORDPERFECT 5.0 LEARNING SYSTEM State-of-the-art training system for users
of WordPerfect 5.0.
WP-LRN2.ZIP Yes 123054 4/24/1991 DISK 2 OF 2
WP-MAC1.ZIP Yes 36139 4/18/1991 WP MACROS Dozens of practical; time-saving macros for WordPerfect 5.0.
WP-MAC2.ZIP Yes 53920 4/18/1991 DISK 2 OF 2
WP51MAC.ZIP Yes 80379 4/18/1991
WORDPERFECT 5.1 MACROS Approximately 80 great macros for use with
WordPerfect 5.1.
WS4PAT_2.ZIP Yes 35325 7/3/1987 Patches for WordStar version 4.0
WSASCWS.ZIP Yes 6918 4/21/1990 WordStar to ASCII/ASCII to WordStar converter
WSX21A.ZIP Yes 44443 10/19/1987 Convert Wordstar files to ASCII 002
WS_ASCII.ZIP Yes 10048 11/24/1987 Wordstar To Ascii Converter
XWORD222.ZIP Yes 21367 12/26/1989 converts WS to Ascii and many others.
ZPP.ZIP Yes 49447 1/4/1991 Zippy Print, Compose & Print One-Page Doc's
_ARABIC.ZIP Yes 8670 4/30/1990 Arabic language module for the Intext word processor.
_EUROPE.ZIP Yes 8305 4/30/1990
Language module for the Intext word processor. Danish, Dutch, Finnish,
French, German, Italian, Norwegian, portuguese, Spanish, Swedish.
_FARSI.ZIP Yes 8195 4/30/1990 Farsi (Persian) language module for the Intext word processor.
_GAELIC.ZIP Yes 8041 4/30/1990 Gaelic language module for the Intext word processor.
_GREEK.ZIP Yes 8516 4/30/1990 Greek language module for the Intext word processor.
_HEBREW.ZIP Yes 6707 4/30/1990 Hebrew language module for the Intext word processor.
_POLISH.ZIP Yes 7567 4/30/1990 Polish language module for the Intext word processor.
_RUSSIAN.ZIP Yes 7225 4/30/1990 Russian language module for the Intext word processor.
_TURKISH.ZIP Yes 7272 4/30/1990 Turkish language module for the Intext word processor.
_URDU.ZIP Yes 7753 4/30/1990 Urdu language module for the Intext word processor.
_YUGOSLA.ZIP No 6557 4/30/1990
Albanian, Croatia, serbian, Macedonian language module for the Intext Word