Lissajous Version 0.2 May 26, 1991 Windows 3 program to draw Lissajous-type figures. This is one of my first exercises in Windows programming, which I would like to share with the net in return for all the useful programs that I got from there. It does nothing useful, productive or scientific, it just draws some nice graphic figures which are a fun to watch. The history of this program goes nearly 20 years back, when we got a calendar from a german computer company (maybe it was Siemens, but I don't remember it precisely), which contained such figures. Some of them looked really good, but many of them were only 'explosions in a sauerkraut factory', as I used to say then. There was a accompanying SIMULA program with some strange constructions in it, but after playing with it I eventually was able to extract the essential parts and found out how to set the variables to get the good-looking variations. Since then this thing has been one of my preferred graphic test programs which I ported to every graphic system that came my way. Things still to come with this Windows version: continuous drawing, 256 color support, interactive setting of all the parameters and colors (when I have learned to program menus and dialog boxes :-). Up to then have fun with a version which generates all figures randomly and needs a mouse click for every new figure. Jochen Roderburg Regional Computing Center University of Cologne Robert-Koch-Str. 10 Tel.: +49-221/470-4564 D-5000 Koeln 41 Internet: Ro @ RRZ.Uni-Koeln.DE Germany BITNET: A0045 @ DK0RRZK1