ADDING A PROGRAM TO YOUR MICROSOFT WINDOWS PROGRAM MANAGER This demostration will take you through the steps of adding a program to a program group in your Window's program manager. To run this tutorial type GO at the DOS prompt or Select Alt-F and R from the Windows Program Manager and type {Path}\GO.BAT in the dialog box. These keys automatically give you limited control will break you out of the program at any time will temporarily pause the program will continue running the program Requirements:A graphics adapter and monitor capable of displaying SVGA (640x480x256) mode, 640K ram. (In windows runs in enhanced mode.) - ADDPROG.EXE filesize should equal 727,774 bytes if it is not please don't run this - call me at the numbers listed below Note - this isn't necessarily a Windows program just a Windows tutorial. Michael R. Hobbs 7230 W. 91st Street Los Angeles, California 90045 1-213/313-3336 1-213/559-5456 1-213/645-0469