TITLE: Importing Windows Bitmaps as Ami Pro Drawings PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 25-Sep-1991 PROBLEM: Some Windows bitmap files import as a drawing into an Ami Pro drawing frame, but others produce a message "The drawing is too large to fit in available memory. Reduce the complexity and try again". How can it be determined which drawings are too complex to import into a drawing frame? SOLUTION: Windows bitmap files which are larger than 64,000 bytes (64K) are too large to import into an Ami Pro drawing frame. These images also will not preview in the import drawing example box. An alternative way to bring such images into an Ami Pro document is to create a frame and use the File / Import Picture function to import the graphic file (do not enter drawing mode). The size of graphics files imported by File / Import Picture is limited only to available memory, therefore the 64K file size limit does not apply. Graphics imported through File / Import Picture can be scaled and cropped but not edited in the drawing function.