TITLE:   Style Sheets and Graphics Files Missing in Notes
PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0
DATE:    04-Oct-1991


Ami Pro files that are attached to a Lotus Notes memo do not attach the files' 
style sheets and imported graphics files.


Any type of file can be attached to a Lotus Notes memo.  Notes does not 
evaluate whether any other files need to accompany an attached file.  Since 
style sheets and graphics files are sometimes separate files from the Ami Pro 
document file, Notes is not aware that the files exist.

There are two solutions to this situation.  Solution 1 should be used with Ami 
Pro files that have already been created and solution 2 should be used in 
creating new Ami Pro files that will be attached to a Notes memo.


 1. If the Ami Pro document has a style sheet that is different from all of 
    the addressee's style sheets and needs to accompany the Ami Pro document, 
    attach the Ami Pro document file and the style sheet file (will be located 
    in the default Ami Pro styles directory, usually C:\AMIPRO\STYLES).
 2. Instruct the addressee to copy the style sheet file to the default style 
    sheet directory on the target computer.
 3. If the Ami Pro document contains graphic files that were NOT imported into 
    Ami Pro with the Copy Image option, each of the original graphics files 
    will also have to be attached to the Notes memo.  
    a. Since the original paths to the locations of the graphics files will 
       probably not be present on the addressee's target computer, instruct 
       the addressee to extract all of the graphics files to one directory on 
       the computer.  
    b. The addressee should open the extracted Ami Pro document and move 
       through the file to access each page containing a graphic image.  When 
       a frame is displayed and the original graphic file can't be located, a 
       dialog box will appear where the new location can be specified 
       (directory where graphics files were copied in Step a. above).  In some 
       files, there may be no prompt for a new graphics file location even 
       though the graphics file is not in the original location.  This will be 
       the case when the graphics files were originally imported with the User 
       Setup speed option Save for Fast Display is selected.  The dialog box 
       prompting for a new graphics file location will appear when the file is 
       printed or when an attempt is made to crop the graphic image (double 
       click in the frame).  NOTE: The feature where a new graphics file 
       location can be specified is available only in release 2.0 of Ami Pro. 
       If the addressee is using a release prior to 2.0, an error message will 
       appear if a page is accessed where a graphic file cannot be found, but 
       there will be no option to specify a new location.  In these cases, the 
       addressee will need to reimport the graphic file.  


When possible, follow these steps to create Ami Pro files which will be 
attached to Lotus Notes memos.  The limitation of importing graphics by the 
method described in Step 1 is that the graphic image will be that of the 
graphics file at the time of the import.  Changes made to the original 
graphics files (TIFF, PXC, etc) after being imported into the Ami Pro document 
will not be reflected subsequent times the Ami Pro file is opened.

 1. When graphic files are imported, select with an X the Copy Image option in 
    the Import Picture dialog box.  This will incorporate information about 
    the graphics files into the Ami Pro document.
 2. When the file is saved, select with an X the Keep format with document 
    option in the Save As dialog box.  This will store formatting information 
    in the Ami Pro document file so that a separate style sheet file will not 
    need to be attached to the Notes memo.

Ami Pro documents created by following solution 2 will contain all information 
in the Ami Pro document.  Attaching such files to a Notes memo will provide 
the addressee with a complete Ami Pro file.
