TITLE:   Applying a Specific Tab Ruler to Multiple Paragraphs
PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0
DATE:    08-Oct-1991


Many modifications have been made to an inserted tab ruler for one paragraph. 
How can this modified tab ruler be applied to other paragraphs without making 
the changes again?


There are three ways that an inserted tab ruler can be transferred to other 
paragraphs.  Method 1 should be used if a tab ruler has already been inserted 
and the ruler needs to be applied to numerous paragraphs.  This method saves 
the ruler modifications to a paragraph style.  Method 2 should be used if a 
tab ruler has already been inserted and the ruler needs to be applied to only 
a few other paragraphs and the modified settings do not need to be saved as a 
paragraph style.  Method 3 should be used if a tab ruler has not already been 
inserted, the paragraphs which should have the modified tab ruler are 
contiguously located, and the modified settings do not need to be saved in a 
paragraph style.



  1. Place the insertion point in the paragraph that has the inserted tab 
  2. Choose Style / Create Style.
  3. Type in the desired name for the new style and choose the Selected text 
  4. Choose Modify.
  5. Choose Alignment from the Modify options.
  6. Put an X in the Use style tabs option.
  7. Choose OK.
  8. Apply the new style (name specified in Step 3 above) to the desired 
     a. Position the insertion point in a paragraph.
     b. Select the new style name from the style status button on the status 
     c. Repeat Steps 8a-8b for each paragraph which should have the new style. 
        Paragraphs assigned to the new style will have tab settings of the 
        inserted tab ruler but since the settings are part of a style, there 
        will not be an inserted tab ruler.
  9. To remove the inserted tab ruler from the original paragraph, position 
     the insertion point in the paragraph containing the inserted tab ruler.  
     Choose Page / Ruler / Remove.  Now apply the new style to this 
 10. To save the new style in a style sheet:
     a. Choose Style / Save as a Style Sheet.
     b. The Save as Style Sheet edit box will contain the name of the current 
        style sheet.  Leaving this name will overwrite the existing style 
        sheet file.  Specify another style sheet name if the original style 
        sheet should not be overwritten.
     c. Choose the With Contents and Run Macro options if desired.
     d. Choose OK.
     e. If the style sheet name specified in Step 10b above already exists, a 
        message will appear offering a Yes / No choice for overwriting the 
        existing style sheet.  Choose Yes to overwrite an existing style sheet 
        or No to cancel the operation.  If No is chosen, repeat Steps 10a-10d 
        specifying a new sheet name in Step 10b.


  1. Position the insertion point between the last character of the paragraph 
     containing the inserted tab ruler and the carriage return symbol at the 
     end of the paragraph.  If the carriage return symbols () are not 
     visible, choose View / View Preferences, put an X in the Tabs & returns 
     option, and choose OK.
  2. Press SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW to shade the carriage return symbol.
  3. Choose Edit / Copy.
  4. Position the insertion point at the beginning of the paragraph which will 
     receive the copy of the inserted tab ruler.
  5. Choose Edit / Paste.
  6. The inserted tab ruler will paste at the beginning of a new paragraph and 
     the existing paragraph will be pushed down.
  7. If marks are currently displayed (a symbol representing the inserted tab 
     ruler is visible), temporarily turn off the marks by choosing View / View 
     Preferences.  Remove the X from the Marks option and choose OK.  
  8. With the insertion point at the beginning of the line where the tab ruler 
     was pasted, touch SPACEBAR to insert a space in front of the carriage 
     return symbol.
  9. Press DEL to delete the carriage return.
 10. Press BACKSPACE to delete the space.  The paragraph moves back up to its 
     original location and the inserted tab ruler is now effective for the 
 11. To enable display of marks if this feature was disabled in Step 7 above, 
     choose View / View Preferences.  Put an X in the Marks option, then 
     choose OK.



 1. Shade the paragraphs that should have the modified tab settings.
    a. Position the insertion point at the beginning of the first paragraph.
    b. Press SHIFT + DOWN ARROW until all paragraphs are shaded.  NOTE: If the 
       paragraph following the last shaded paragraph has an inserted tab 
       ruler, remove the shading from the last carriage return symbol by 
       pressing SHIFT + LEFT ARROW.
 2. Make the desired tab ruler changes.
 3. Without a mouse, press ESC to return to the text area.  Press one of the 
    arrow keys to redisplay the insertion point.  With a mouse, just click in 
    the text area.  All paragraphs that were shaded will have an inserted tab 
    ruler with the same tab settings.  An inserted tab ruler mark will display 
    for each paragraph (visible when display of marks is enabled).
