TITLE: "Unrecoverable Application Error" Appears During Printing PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 09-Oct-1991 PROBLEM: During the processing of printing, the Windows message "Unrecoverable Application Error, Terminating Current Application" appears. Adobe Type Manager and Publisher's PowerPak are both installed. SOLUTION: The September 1991 issue of PC World indicates that an "Unrecoverable Application Error" (UAE) may occur during the process of printing if Adobe Type Manager is installed prior to installing Publisher's PowerPak. The PC World article provides the following solution: 1. Run the Windows SYSEDIT.EXE program (System Configuration Editor). 2. Access the SYSTEM.INI file window. 3. Choose Search / Find. 4. For the text to find, type: SYSTEM.DRV=ATMSYS.DRV 5. Delete this line. 6. Choose Search / Find. 7. For the text to find, type: ATM.SYSTEM.DRV=SYSTEM.DRV 8. Change this line to read: SYSTEM.DRV=SYSTEM.DRV 9. Choose File / Save to save the changes. 10. Exit Windows completely to the DOS prompt. 11. Reinstall Publisher's PowerPak first, then reinstall Adobe Type Manager according to the installation instructions for these products. This information has not been confirmed by the Word Processing Division of Lotus Development Corporation. For more information about Adobe Type Manager contact Adobe Systems, Inc., 1585 Charleston Road, P.O. Box 7900, Mountain View, CA 94039-7900, 415-961- 4992, 800-833-6687. For more information about Publisher's PowerPak, contact Atech Software, 5964 La Place Court, Suite 125, Carlsbad, CA 92008, 619-438- 6883, 619-438-2244.