TITLE: How to DDE Link a 123 for Windows Chart to Ami Pro PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 09-Oct-1991 PROBLEM: After copying a 123 for Windows chart, the Paste Link option in Ami Pro is grayed out and not available. SOLUTION: In order for a 123 chart to produce link format to the Windows Clipboard, the chart must be part of a NAMED 123 for Windows worksheet. Copying from Untitled will not produce link format that can be Paste Linked into Ami Pro. Use this procedure in 123 for Windows when a chart is not currently part of a worksheet: 1. In 123 make the worksheet containing the chart data the active window. If it is Untitled, name the worksheet. 2. Select a range in the worksheet where the chart can be placed. 3. Choose Graph / Add to Sheet. 4. Select the desired graph name from the Graph Add to Sheet list box. 5. Choose OK. 6. Choose Edit / Copy. 7. In Ami Pro, create a frame to hold the 123 chart. 8. Choose Edit / Paste Link. NOTE: If an Edit / Copy operation has been performed for a chart in an Untitled worksheet, give the worksheet a name, repeat the Edit / Copy command in 123, then perform Edit / Paste Link to an Ami Pro frame.