TITLE: "Unrecoverable Application Error" Results Using ATM and Facelift PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 11-Oct-1991 PROBLEM: During the process of printing a file containing Windows vector fonts, an "Unrecoverable Application Error, Terminating Current Application" occurs. Adobe Type Manager and Bitstream Facelift are being used. SOLUTION: When Adobe Type Manager (ATM) and Bitstream Facelift are both used and a file containing Windows vector fonts (Roman, Modern, or Script) is printed, both programs may try to substitute fonts for the Windows vector fonts. This may result in an "Unrecoverable Application Error" (UAE) or the fonts may appear incorrect on the screen and on the printout. Facelift provides a way to turn off substitution of Windows fonts. The method involves editing the Windows WIN.INI file. HOW TO DISABLE FACELIFT FROM SUBSTITUTING WINDOWS FONTS 1. Run the SYSEDIT.EXE program in Windows (this is the Windows System Configuration Editor program located in the Windows SYSTEM directory). 2. Make the WIN.INI file the active window. 3. Choose Search / Find. 4. Type [Typefaces] and choose NEXT. 5. Touch the DOWN arrow to reach the first line of text under this section. 6. Insert a line in the section that reads: NoSubstVectFonts=1 7. Choose File / Save to save the changes. 8. Press ALT + F4 to close the System Configuration Editor. 9. Exit Windows completely to the DOS prompt. 10. Load Windows and Ami Pro then reprint the document.