TITLE: "Unrecoverable Application Error" Appears Opening Files PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 29-Oct-1991 PROBLEM: The Windows message "Unrecoverable Application Error, Terminating Current Application" occurs when using Ami Pro with a Diamond SpeedStar display adapter. SOLUTION: Opening several files in Ami Pro may result in an "Unrecoverable Application Error, Terminating Current Application" (UAE) when a Diamond Speedstar display adapter is being used with a 256 color Windows 3 display driver, version 5.3, from Diamond Computer Systems. There may also be other circumstances under which a UAE occurs using the Diamond Speedstar 256 color Windows drivers (changing an ATM font and importing graphics files have been reported). Using the SpeedStar 16 color drivers or the standard Windows VGA driver does not result in a UAE. Diamond Computer Systems, 532 Mercury, Sunny Vail, CA 94086, 408-736-2000 has released updated Windows 3 display drivers, version 5.4, for the Diamond Speedstar display adapter. These drivers include 256 color drivers which can be used with Ami Pro without generating a UAE. The new drivers can be obtained from Lotus or Diamond Computers. They are available electronically from the Lotus Development Corporation WPD bulletin board, 404-851-1371, or from library 2 of the LotusWP CompuServe forum. Download the file SPSTAR.EXE (self-extracting when executed) from either location. The drivers are also available on disk at no charge from the Lotus Development Corporation WPD Customer Service Department. Call 404-256-2272 and request the Diamond SpeedStar drivers from Customer Service. The drivers are available on disk from Diamond Computer for $10.00. They can be downloaded at no charge from Diamond Computer's bulletin board, 408-730- 1100 (download the file WINDRVRS.EXE which is self-extracting when executed). NOTE: Drivers that are obtained on disk from Lotus Customer Service or downloaded electronically will not be identified with a version number. HOW TO INSTALL THE NEW DRIVERS 1. Copy the new drivers .EXE file to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory by typing at the DOS prompt: COPY X:\SPSTAR.EXE Y:\PATH\DIRNAME\SYSTEM and press ENTER. X:\ should be the correct drive and path to the location of the SPSTAR.EXE file. For example, if the file is located on a disk in drive A, this would be A:\. Y:\PATH\DIRNAME should be the correct drive and path to the Windows program directory (for example, C:\WINDOWS). NOTE: If you have received the file named WINDRVRS.EXE from Diamond Computer, substitute that name in the above command for SPSTAR.EXE. 2. If you are using a customized Windows SETUP.INI file, copy this file to another location. This backup copy of SETUP.INI can be restored later to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory if necessary. 3. At the DOS prompt type: SPSTAR and press ENTER (or WINDRVRS and press ENTER if you obtained the file from Diamond Computer). 4. Answer Yes to any questions about overwriting files that already exist. 5. At the DOS prompt type: Y:\PATH\DIRNAME\SETUP and press ENTER. Y:\PATH\DIRNAME should be the correct drive and path to the Windows program directory (for example, C:\WINDOWS). 6. Follow the on-screen instructions for changing Display to the desired Diamond SpeedStar driver. NOTE: The display driver can also be changed after Windows is loaded by running the Windows Setup icon.