TITLE: Courier Displays Incorrectly in Full Page View PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 18-Oct-1991 PROBLEM: Text in Adobe Type Manager Courier 8 point type displays incorrectly in full page view. SOLUTION: Adobe Type Manager (ATM) does not scale the Courier screen font below 9 point. Without a reduction in the size of the screen font, text display in a small percentage working view or in full page view will be too large for the image of the page. A workaround to this screen display problem is to remove the line reading Courier=Courier from the [Aliases] section of the Windows ATM.INI file. NOTE: Removing this line may cause text in other applications that use the Courier screen font to display too small. One such report is that text in the View Pane mode in Norton Desktop for Windows displays too small with the Courier=Courier line removed. When other applications are affected, the Courier=Courier line can be added back to the ATM.INI file. In these cases, follow the section titled HOW TO ADD THE COURIER=COURIER LINE. HOW TO REMOVE THE COURIER=COURIER LINE 1. Run the Windows Notepad program. 2. In Notepad open the file ATM.INI (located in the directory where the Windows program is installed). 3. Choose Search / Find. 4. Type [Aliases] and choose OK. 5. Touch the DOWN arrow until the line reading Courier=Courier is reached. 6. Delete the line. 7. Choose File / Save. 8. Press ALT + F4 to close Notepad. 9. Exit Windows completely to the DOS prompt, then reload Windows. HOW TO ADD THE COURIER=COURIER LINE 1. Run the Windows Notepad program. 2. In Notepad open the file ATM.INI (located in the directory where the Windows program is installed). 3. Choose Search / Find. 4. Type [Aliases] and choose OK. 5. Touch the DOWN arrow to place the insertion point below the heading [Aliases]. 6. Insert a line that reads Courier=Courier. 7. Choose File / Save. 8. Press ALT + F4 to close Notepad. 9. Exit Windows completely to the DOS prompt, then reload Windows.