TITLE: "Cannot find a library for frame" Appears Using Style Sheets PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 28-Oct-1991 PROBLEM: Attempting to use several style sheets produces the message "Cannot find a library for frame. Frame contents will not be displayed". SOLUTION: If Ami Pro was installed without choosing drawing, any style sheet which contains an Ami Pro draw symbol image will produce the above error. The drawing function is required in order to display the draw symbol images on the screen. The style sheets shipped with Ami Pro containing draw symbol images are: ~MEMO4.STY ~MEMO5.STY ~LETTER1.STY ~NEWSLT5.STY ~PRESS2.STY ~OVERHD1.STY ~OVERHD2.STY ~OVERHD3.STY ~FAX3.STY ~INVOICE.STY NOTE: Third-party style sheets such as Page Greats or personally developed style sheets containing draw symbols will also produce this error if drawing is not installed. It is possible to install Ami Pro's drawing function without reinstalling the entire program. From the Ami Pro installation Main menu, choose Install Ami Pro options only. In the Specifying Options menu, remove the X from all options to install except drawing. A second resolution which does not require installing Ami Pro drawing is to delete the frame which originally contained the draw symbol, then choose Style / Save As A Style Sheet to save the style sheet without the frame.