TITLE:   Error 51 Appears Using the ~CALMON.STY Style Sheet
PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0
DATE:    28-Oct-1991


Attempting to use the ~CALMON.STY style sheet results in the message "Error 
51:Macro Autocal.smm!AutoCal not found".


The style sheet ~CALMON.STY automatically runs the macro AUTOCAL.SMM.  This 
macro properly configures the style sheet for use.  

If AUTOCAL.SMM has been deleted or if the sample macros were not installed, it 
is possible to copy over the macros without reinstalling the entire program.  
From the Ami Pro installation Main menu, choose Install Ami Pro options only. 
In the Specifying Options menu, remove the X from all options to install 
except Macros/Sample documents.  NOTE: Reinstalling the macros will overwrite 
any of the macros supplied with Ami Pro that exist on the hard drive where Ami 
Pro installed.  If you have modified any of the supplied macros and do not 
want them overwritten, copy them to another location before installing the 
macros with the installation program, then copy them back to the Ami Pro 
macros directory.

Error 51 will appear using any style sheet which is configured to 
automatically run a macro that cannot be found because it has been deleted, 
renamed, or moved.
