TITLE:   Color Graphics and Text Print in Black and White On PaintJet
PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0
DATE:    13-Nov-1991


Color graphics and color text print in black and white on an HP PaintJet 


Because of differences in the method used for printing color graphics by Ami 
Pro and that required by the HP PaintJet driver version 1.0, it will be 
necessary to obtain the updated HP PaintJet driver version 1.2 (using the HP 
PaintJet driver version 1.01 may result in an Unrecoverable Application Error) 
and modified Ami Pro program files in order to print color graphics.  

The HP PaintJet driver version 1.2 can be obtained from Hewlett Packard by 
calling 208-323-2551.  The modified Ami Pro files can be obtained by calling 
the Lotus Development Corporation Word Processing Division Customer Service 
Department at 404-256-2272.  Ask for the Ami Pro software that supports 
printing color graphics on a PaintJet.

Color text in an Adobe Type Manager font prints in black when using the HP 
PaintJet driver version 1.0.  Upgrading your HP PaintJet driver to version 1.2 
will enable you to print color text in ATM fonts.
