TITLE: Tab Ruler Shows Settings For Wrong Column PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 14-Nov-1991 PROBLEM: Access the tab ruler in a single column document and set the number of columns to 2. Type enough text to reach column 2. Press CTRL + HOME to go to the beginning of column 1. The tab ruler shows the settings of column 2 even though the insertion point is in column 1. SOLUTION: In order to view the tab ruler settings for column 1, click into column 1, touch a directional arrow, or begin typing. Modified Ami Pro files are available which will correct this problem. Using the modified files, the correct tab ruler settings will automatically display when you return to column 1 with CTRL + HOME. Contact Lotus Word Processing Division Customer Service at 404-256-2272 and request the modified Ami Pro files that correctly show column settings on the tab ruler when CTRL + HOME is used to return to the first column of a multi-column document.