TITLE: International Characters Do Not Export to DisplayWrite 4 PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 14-Nov-1991 PROBLEM: International characters such as and in an Ami Pro document do not export to DisplayWrite 4 format. Instead, there are spaces where the international characters should appear. SOLUTION: An updated DisplayWrite 4 filter (DW4.FLT size 33520, dated 10-8-91) is available which will correctly export international characters. Contact the Lotus Development Corporation Word Processing Division Customer Service Department at 404-256-2272 and request the Ami Pro release 2.0 filters disk. This disk contains all of the most current filters for Ami Pro release 2.0. The latest filters for Ami Pro 2.0 are also available electronically from the Lotus WPD bulletin board at 404-851-1371 and from library 2 Ami and Ami Pro on the LotusWP CompuServe forum. Download the file FILT20.EXE from either location. HOW TO INSTALL THE UPDATED FILTERS 1. From the Windows Program Manager, run File Manager (there is usually an icon in one of the Windows program groups for the File Manager). 2. In File Manager, access the drive where the updated filter files are located. For example, if the files are on a disk in drive A, select the A drive icon. 3. Select all of the filter file names (they will have an extension of .FLT). 4. Choose File / Copy. 5. For the To option, type the complete path to the Ami Pro program directory (this is usually C:\AMIPRO). 6. Choose COPY. 7. Press ALT + F4 to close File Manager, then choose OK.