TITLE:   Insertion Point Is Placed in Document Rather Than Footer
PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0
DATE:    14-Nov-1991


The vertical ruler margin indicator is moved down to decrease a document's 
bottom margin to .44 inch.  Attempting to place the insertion point in the 
bottom margin (footer) area results in the insertion point being placed in the 
text area.


When the vertical ruler margin indicator is moved down to decrease the 
document bottom margin, the footer top margin is changed to a size that is too 
large.  This leaves no footer area for placement of the insertion point.

The problem can be corrected by changing the top and bottom footer margins to 
values that are small enough to allow placement of the insertion point.


 1. With the Ami Pro document the active window, choose Page / Modify Page 
 2. Under Modify select Footer.
 3. Reduce the top and bottom margins to .05 (.05 is for the above example 
    where the document bottom margin is .44.  When the bottom margin is 
    different, the top and bottom footer margins may need to be decreased more 
    or less to allow placement of the insertion point).
 4. Choose OK.

Modified Ami Pro files are available which will not modify the footer top 
margin when the vertical ruler is used to decrease the document bottom margin. 
NOTE:  If the original footer margins are too large, you still may not be able 
to place the insertion point in the footer area after the bottom margin is 
reduced.  Using the modified Ami Pro files in such a case will produce the 
message "This frame is too small to display your text.  Resize the frame".  If 
this message appears when you try to place the insertion point in a footer 
area, follow the steps above to decrease the top and/or bottom margin for the 

Call the Lotus Development Corporation Customer Service Department at 404-256-
2272 and request the modified Ami Pro files that do not change the footer top 
margin when the document bottom margin is changed using the vertical ruler.
