Instructions: 1) Place the files AUTOPRN.WBT and GETFILE.WBT in your NDW directory. 2) Add GETFILE.WBT to the NDW Launch List, calling it something like "Add file to queue" and giving it the command line: c:\ndw\batchrun.exe c:\ndw\getfile.wbt, and assigning it the hotkey CONTROL-P. 3) Add AUTOPRN.WBT to the NDW scheduler, instrucing the scheduler to execute it every day at the time that you want to have the queue files printed. 3a) You might also want to add AUTOPRN.WBT to the Launch List, giving it a name such as "Print Queue Now." 4) Open an NDW drive window and highight a file that you wish to add to the print queue. 5) Press CONTROL-P to add it to the queue.