WINBRAG.TXT January 28, 1991 The recent excitement over the newfound ability to change the default Windows 3.0 brag screen prompted me to write WINBRAG. This program's sole purpose is to simplify the steps required to make the changeover to the startup screen of your choice. Mike Mezaros (75500,655) first published and released into the public domain a method of changing the startup screen. To summarize Mike's method: Create a graphics file and save it in the Windows RLE format. A program called WinGIF (available on Compuserve) does the conversion to RLE from BMP and GIF formats quite nicely. Name the file xxxxLOGO.RLE, where xxxx is either HERC, EGA, or VGA, depending on your monitor type. Now, run the Windows Setup program. Tell Setup that you want to change your video driver. Change the video driver to the SAME driver as you are now using. Setup will work for a while then ask to reboot Windows or return to DOS. Choose Return to DOS. Start Windows again. The new screen should be displayed on startup. Whew...I think I got it all! Mike later updated his instructions based on some feedback he received. Mike wrote that Charles Kistler (72137,775) came up with a method of making the changes to the startup file using the DOS Debug utility and the copy command. I took Mr. Kistler's idea one step further and wrote a quick and dirty (once I found my old compiler reference manual and brushed off the dust!) Turbo Pascal program that basically performs the various steps with one simple command. Such is the short history of WINBRAG. I've included the source code for those who are interested. It's not pretty, it's not elegant, it's not even commented! But it only took ten minutes to write. The basic premise behind WINBRAG is that there is a basic kernel to the file that starts Windows. This kernel is $11E0 bytes long (don't have my hex to decimal calculator ). Appended to the end of the kernel is the RLE file that is displayed when Windows starts up. The Windows startup file is WIN.COM. WINBRAG simply copies the first $11E0 bytes of WIN.COM then copies the RLE file right behind it, creating a new Windows startup file. The new startup executable file is named NEWWIN.COM. You shouldn't even have to make a backup copy of WIN.COM when using WINBRAG (BUT--backups are always recommended!). WINBRAG itself has no limitations (what do you expect from a ten minute program?), but there are some inherent limitations to the WIN.COM file that will undoubtedly cause some grief for a few people. The biggest problem that you may run in to is the 64Kbyte ($FFFF) limitation that DOS places on COM files. The 64Kbyte limitation is a result of the memory segmentation scheme used when any Intel 80x86 microprocessors is run in real mode. What does this mean to you? Well, in a nutshell, you cannot use an RLE file greater than 60958 bytes in length. Doing so will create a COM file greater than 64Kbytes long and DOS will refuse to execute it! So, I wrote WINBRAG to trap out RLE files with lengths greater than 60958 bytes ($FFFF-$11E0) and return an appropriate message. Without the trap, WINBRAG is more than happy to create huge COM files for you, but they would not be executable and would probably puzzle a few people. To use WINBRAG: Create your RLE file. The file's name does not matter. Run WINBRAG. WIN.COM must be in your current directory. Enter the name (including drive and path, if you like) of the RLE file. Include the extension. RLE is not assumed. The program will process for a second or so. You will be left at the DOS prompt with a new file named NEWWIN.COM in your current directory. Make sure NEWWIN.COM is in your Windows directory. Type NEWWIN to start Windows with YOUR new startup screen. If you have comments or suggestions, leave a message for me, Paul Delys, at 73500,2777 on Compuserve. This is my first upload and I would appreciate feedback from anyone. To follow the signs of the times: I will not be responsible for any damage that may occur to your system as a result, either directly or indirectly, of using this program. I guess I'll make this a shareware program. If you like and use WINBRAG, please send an interesting picture postcard to me here in the frozen Northland of Alaska. Actually, it's quite nice today -- the temperature is hovering around 0 degrees F and it's snowing. Paul Delys P.O. Box 83797 Fairbanks, AK 99708-3797 Enjoy life and be careful with those matches!!