Gravitational NBody Simulation for Windows NT Alpha Version 1.8 (April 1995) written by Henley Quadling ( This update contains the Alpha AXP binaries. nbodya.exe Alpha AXP version New features in this version: 1. There is a new Rotating Frame option. This option uses a reference frame centered at the center-of-mass of the system, and rotates with the same angular velocity of a body that you choose. For a demo of the usefulness of this option, try the following: a. Start demo9 (using the load and run option in the file menu) b. Select 'rotating frame' using the second combobox on the toolbar. c. Click on the red planet circling the center star. d. Speed the simulation up if necessary. The red planet is Jupiter, the two other bodies are 'trojan' asteroids approximately 60 degrees away from Jupiter. This version loads and saves v1.7 nbd files, so the rotating frame options cannot be saved in this version.