MiniCD v1.5 - 32-bit Shareware CD player for Windows 95 & NT ------------------------------------------------------------- Short Description: ------------------ Adds five small CD audio control buttons (play, stop, pause,track back, track forward) and three application control buttons (mode, minimize, exit) to the Windows desktop. Starts playback of an Audio CD automatically on startup. Longer description: ------------------- When the program starts, it checks the CD-ROM drive for a disc, if any, and determines its type. If it finds an audio CD, playback is started. If there is no CD in the drive or the CD is a data CD-ROM, the program shuts itself down. The control buttons float on top of other windows. Pressing the X-button closes the program and stops playback, pressing the down arrow minimizes the program to the desktop. The mode button switches between normal mode and movable mode. Pressing the right mouse button anywhere in the application brings up the new track menu - just choose the track you want to play.If you want CD's played automatically when Windows NT starts, copy the program item 'MiniCD' to your startup group in Program Manager. The next time Windows NT starts, the program checks for an audio CD and upon finding one starts playing it. Windows 95 users can use this program instead of the 95 CD player to autoplay audio CD's - just change the performing application from CDPLAYER.EXE to MINICD15.EXE in file types/audio CD. Installation: ------------- Copy the file ctl3d32.dll to your Windows\system32 directory and the file minicd15.exe to the directory of your choice. If the directory Windows\system doesn't exist, use the Windows\system directory. Create a new program item for minicd15.exe into one of the groups in Program Manager (e.g. startup) (95 users, create a new start menu item). Registered vs. unregistered --------------------------- - The registered version of the program uses an INI file to save the location of the program window every time the program shuts down. So, the program 'remembers' it's previous location. - A mixer (volume control) application can also be specified in the INI file of the registered version. The mixer is started from the track selection pop up menu. - Of course, there are no message boxes appearing at the beginning and the end of the program. - If you use the program beyond a 30 day trial period, you must register. There is more information on registering and registration benefits in the file REGISTER.TXT. New features in version 1.5 (compared to 1.2): ---------------------------------------------- - pause button - track back button - new button order - track menu anywhere in the application with the right mouse button The Author: ----------- Seppo Virtanen, student, dept. of physical sciences (electronics and computer science), University of Turku, Finland. Internet e-mail: - feel free to give me any feedback! If you decide to evaluate this program, please let me know - it would be interesting to know how many people have tried this program out. Most of the new features in this version came from the suggestions of users of the program. Thank You very much for all the ideas and keep them pouring in! How to get the latest information on MiniCD: -------------------------------------------- Go to for information on development, release plans for newer versions, and downloading! (EOF)