PMC Systems Software 134-17th Ave. N.E. Calgary, Alberta, T2E-1L6 Internet Email: Voiceline: (403)230-2700 Global WWW Server: Local NT Server: (403)230-4171 DNS: TCP only READ ALL OF THIS BEFORE INSTALLING AND USING THE SOFTWARE JOBBOARD.EXE, EMPLOYER.EXE, EMPLOYEE.EXE, JOBBASE.EXE (c)1996 PMC Systems Software These software programs form a group that provides a database service for employment services. This software will only function in a Win32 internet information server environment. The file format is .DBF and the data can then be used by other software such as FoxPro(tm), dBase(tm), Clipper(tm), Paradox(tm), or SQL. The software is best used in a Frames web page environment and with NTFS. This software is not free, but is classified as shareware. If you choose to use this software in a commercial environment, then a software license needs to be obtained from PMC Systems Software within 30 days of use. The non commercial use has no license requirement. Commercial users can obtain the license to this software by contacting PMC Systems Software and paying the registration fee of $20 (U.S.$). Use any of the above addresses for payment or contact. To install the software, open a dos window. Change to the drive and then the directory of your internet information server web root. As example, with the Microsoft IIS, it would be C:\INETSRV\WWWROOT if you used the default path. In this directory, create a new directory called JOBBOARD and note that there are 2 B's. Then change to that. cd\inetsrv\wwwroot\jobboard using the same previous example. Copy from the archive JOBBOARD.EXE, EMPLOYER.EXE, EMPLOYEE.EXE, JOBBASE.EXE and the program logo gif JOBBLOGO.GIF, to the new directory. IMPORTANT for those that don't read manuals! If you are using NTFS, then you should have an administrators account. From the dos window, execute JOBBOARD.EXE EMPLOYER.EXE and EMPLOYEE.EXE This will create the database headers. The program output to the screen will be HTML code that you can ignore. Do a DIR *.DBF and see if JOBBOARD.DBF, EMPLOYER.DBF and EMPLOYEE.DBF exist. If so, then the next step is for NT systems using NTFS. The built in file security takes the security access level of the first user, which should be an administrator, and assigns this account full access rights. A setting is also done for dialup and everybody. Under NTFS, users require READ/WRITE access to the DBF files, and EXECUTE ONLY access to all 4 EXE programs. Start up File Manager, find the new JOBBOARD directory and the contents. Highlight the JOBBOARD.EXE file by clicking once with the mouse. Select Security from the menu, then select permissions. Select each of Domain Guests, Everyone, and Guests, and then set EXECUTE permission only. Repeat the process for EMPLOYER.EXE, EMPLOYEE.EXE, and JOBBASE.EXE When finished, then select the EMPLOYER.DBF file, select Permissions from File Manager, then for each Domain Guests, Everyone, and Guests, give READ and WRITE permission. Follow the same procedure for EMPLOYEE.DBF and JOBBOARD.DBF if the built in program settings are not enough. These program settings are only there if the software was executed as mentioned above. The next step is to install the calling procedure in your web page. How you set it up on your system, is your choice. These programs are designed for a Frames environment. You can create a new Frame set or just add a link to an existing Frame set. If you are using a frames environment, then the TARGET value must be specified, as seen here, assuming your TARGET page is NAME'ed "content" The JobBoard Note the ? question mark after .exe When selected from a web page, Jobboard.exe is a start menu program. It offers the user the choice of either sub program and their functions. It calls Employer.exe OR Employee.exe depending on the choice. Employer and Employee are self contained programs that can also call each other or self by a menu button selection. This software is self contained. You do NOT have to make web pages. They already exist in the software. JOBBASE.EXE is a self contained program that will use the JOBBOARD.DBF file database. The difference between the programs is JOBBASE.EXE is NOT for general user access. When JOBBOARD.EXE is run, it adds an accessed record to its' database. This database record contains CGI information. The database can be read or be used with JOBBASE.EXE only. It can be called as "http:///jobboard/jobbase.exe?" All the programs will create an error text message file that can be read with a TXT word processor. This file is created with the first execute of a program. The original error message can be ignored, since it is telling the fact that the DBF file doesn't exist. The text is formatted and has the date, time, filename, and error message. You should be able to test all of software by using your browser, and selecting your new menu option of The `JobBoard'. Error messages to the screen are clearly stated. Any relating to file access usually means NTFS security access has not been set properly. See the above mentioned NTFS procedures to set this file access correctly. If you are not running the software on an NTFS drive, and just on a FAT drive, then the security topics are not required knowledge to use the software. COMMANDS: The program menu commands and functions are as follows. NEW - will let the user add a new record to the database. Each new record has certain fields that must be filled in. If they are not, then the program sends back the page, until it gets what it wants. The user is given a message as to what is missing. Each data record requires a password. This password allows the user to mark the record as deleted. It isn't actually deleted, just marked as such. Use your own database software to PURGE the database when neccessary. See the DELETE command. LIST - will list any records in the database. It does so by counts of ten records at a time. Any deleted records show as No Entry. The fields are the job position, type of work, and the user/company name. The user can also use an entry window to GOTO a specific page record and there will be a listing from that number. READ - will display one page record at a time. Page records can be read forward or back. The default start is the first record. If a record is marked deleted, then the header will say that. The user then selects the forward or back command buttons. An entry window for a GOTO record can be used to read a specific page record. UPDATE - will edit an existing database record. The page record number is requested and then presented to the user, except for the page record password. To save the edit, the user must enter the same password as was used in the original. If the password doesn't match, then the user gets the edited page back until the password is correct. If the password never matches, the user will eventually give up. LOCATE - will search the database for specific fields. The user enters a search value in the field, presses enter or selects the field button title. If the value is found, the page record is returned, the user can then continue the same search forward or back. If the search is not a success, the search page is returned for another try. The search is case insensitive. The user can not search the password field. DELETE - will ask the user to provide the page record number and the password for that page record. If successful, the record is marked as being ready for deletion OR if the record had been previously marked for deletion, then it is reinstated as a valid record. A periodic PURGE or REPACKING of the databases should be done, with your database software, if high traffic use occurs. The PMC JobBoard software will NOT permenantly delete the records. This is to limit any online user destruction. IMPORTANT: All the programs have the default path of /jobboard/program.exe There must always be a JOBBOARD sub directory. If you are using another path for the WWW root, make sure that the internet server software has access to it directly or as a virtual path. The JobBoard.exe does NOT contain a return path to your html page. The user would need to page back, if you are not using this software in a frames TARGET'ed environment. This software will be updated as time passes. The latest versions will be available from the global server or from the local NT server. A future version will be self contained in Frames of their own. This will add to the simplification of the user interface and installation. For online demonstration of the software connect to the local NT server. For example, using dial up networking with Window's 95, set up a new connection, using `guest' without quotes and no password is required. Protocol is TCP only, and is the DNS. The server will assign your system a node number when connecting. Using a web browser such as IE 3.0 or Netscape, can then call the default page. Use the following or as an address, and there after click the menu with the mouse. If you would like this software enhanced, commercial programming design and changes are available for a discussed rate or fee, that can be hourly or contract. Send any inquiries, comments, or suggestions to the global internet mail address of or leave them on the local NT system. Patrick M. Cohan PMC Systems Software August 7th, 1996