To install BibleNT v95.3.0fr, put the installation files (i.e., the contents of LSGNT95.ZIP) in a temporary folder (directory) and run SETUP.EXE. If you wish, you can create 3.5" installation floppies. To do this, format three 3.5" high density floppies. Copy the following files to disk #1: (All files are dated 6/30/1996 3:00:00 PM. Do not change this date.) CTL3D32.DL_ DAO3032.DL_ MSJT3032.DL1 MSVCRT20.DL_ MSVCRT40.DL_ OLEPRO32.DL_ SETUP.LST SETUP.EXE SETUP132.EX_ ST4UNST.EX_ STKIT432.DL_ VB40032.DL_ VEN2232.OL_ Copy the following files to disk #2: (All files are dated 6/30/1996 3:00:00 PM. Do not change this date.) BIBLENTF.EX_ ENBIBLE.HL_ MSJT3032.DL2 NOUVTEST.DA_ Copy the following files to disk #3: (All files are dated 6/30/1996 3:00:00 PM. Do not change this date.) MSJINT32.DL MSJTER32.DL_ MSWNG300.DL_ VBAJET32.DL_ VBDB32.DL_ FILE_ID.DIZ To install, run the SETUP.EXE program from the first floppy. This is a special FREEWARE version. Give a copy to a friend! (C) 1995-96 Dr. Maged Nabih Kamel. All rights reserved. Email: WWW: