Homedrv.exe =========== Built using NT3.5 Beta 1 SDK (but works under NT3.1). Source code included (a very quick hack!). Usage: HOMEDRV ServerName UserName [HomeDrive] [/p] where ServerName is the name of your domain controller (the program could find this out, but I couldn't be bothered), which can be entered as \\NAME or NAME. The /p switch, which is independent of the home drive changing operation, forces the user to change her password on next logon. Some error checking performed. e.g. 1 homedrv \\server fergnm ====== gives Current home drive for fergnm on \\server is U: e.g. 2 homedrv \\server fergnm k: ====== gives Home drive for fergnm successfully changed to K: on \\server e.g. 3 ======= homedrv \\server fergnm /p gives Current home drive for aaaaaa on \\server is U: Account set so that aaaaaa must change password at next logon. The only other utility one needs for automated account management is cacls.exe - the NT3.5 utility that allows command line changing of file permissions. (c) Neil Ferguson, Linacre College, Oxford, 1994 The HOMEDRV program may be freely distributed and modified, providing that the copyright message it displays on execution is not removed, and that the code is distributed with this copyright notice. ============================================================================= Neil Ferguson neil.ferguson@linacre.ox.ac.uk Linacre College Oxford Univ. UK