README file for Objects Interact 1.2 31 July 1996. Licensing ---------------------- Objects Interact is a shareware program. The license price is R160 (160 South African Rands) per user. This value was equivalent to $40 US during March 1996. If you are paying in a currency other than South African rands or US dollars, please register at a fee equivalent to $40 US. This software is not FREEWARE, so if you keep and use this program more than 30 days, please purchase a license. Registered users will receive information on new updates and releases as well as bug fixes, upgrades free of charge and 25% on any further shareware release that is not classed as an upgrade. If you don't want to register, you are obliged to discontinue using the software. Please send payment in the form of a cash cheque, postal order, cash or money order to the author at the following address (no credit card payments, I havent the foggiest idea on how to handle those) Richard Brock PO Box 1571 Randfontein 1760 Gauteng South Africa If you have problems, questions, or suggestions, you may write me at the above address, or email me on : Disclaimer: ------------------------ Objects Interact is certified 100% free of viruses and tojan horse programs. No feature in Objects Interact has been disabled for shareware purposes. The software is only distributed in fully functional form. At no time will Objects Interact perform any malicious damage due to unregistered use. There is no checking, so its ultimately up to you. Update history ---------------- Version 1.1 - 16bit file functions were replaced with 32bit functions to make it work in win95 Why on earth did I use 16bit ? Version 1.2 - * dragging a communiction end point over the start point caused a crash - fixed * object names are now not restricted in length * the underlying collection class had a bug in it, sometimes deleting an * object would cause a ghost of the deleted communication to appear when you * inserted a new communication,resulting in a delayed crash - fixed Many thanks to Le Chi Thu and Don Heath for the bug reports that led to these changes.