Winsock RCP32.DLL 1.8 Copyright 1994 Denicomp Systems All rights reserved The directory in which you install RCP32.DLL must be included in your PATH environment variable or you can copy this file to your Windows directory (e.g. \WINNT35, \WINDOWS, \WINNT35\SYSTEM, \WINDOWS\SYSTEM). The distribution contains two sample programs: CRCP, written using Microsoft Visual C/C++ 2.0, and VRCP, written using Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0 (32-bit edition). To compile the sample C program, type the following at a command prompt: nmake /f crcp.mak crcp.exe The files RCP32.H and RCP32.LIB must be in the current directory to compile using this Makefile. Once compiled, the program functions as a scaled down RCP command. It is a "console" program and its syntax is: CRCP [-r][-a][-c][-h] source dest Where: -r: Recursively copy "source" to "dest". Copies all files and subdirectories in "source" to "dest". "dest" must be a directory. -a: Perform ASCII end-of-line conversions. Otherwise, contents of files are not modified. -c: Preserve the case of filenames when using wildcards or recursive copies. Otherwise, names are converted to lowercase characters. When copying individual files, the case specified on the command line is used. -h: When using wildcards or -r, normally hidden files are not copied. If you specify -h, hidden files will be copied. -s: If a filename contains spaces, an underscore (_) will be substituted for each space in the destination filename on the remote host. Do not combine command line options; separate each with a space. For example, use "-r -c", not "-rc". The "source" and "dest" parameters either specify a file or directory on the local system or a file or directory on a remote host. At least one of these must specify a remote host. When specifying a file/directory on a remote host, the "source" and/or "dest" parameters must be in the following format: [user@]host:file OR [user@]host:directory See RCPDLL32.TXT for more details. Wildcards may be used. However, only one source and one destination can be specified. That is, you cannot specify multiple source files by separating the names with spaces as you can with the standard RCP command. The VRCP program example for Visual Basic 4.0 provides a simple screen interface to RCP32.DLL. It requires the Visual Basic 4.0 runtime in order to execute (it is not included with this package).