Program overview ================= The ODBCCPY program is a program written for the Windows platform by Jorgen Grosbol at ISS Data A/S in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1996. The program copies and replicates data between tables in ODBC accessible databases. Replication is a copying process where only changed data are transferred. Replication greatly reduces execution time when only minor parts of the data need to be updated and allows synchronization of database tables in an efficient manner without deleting and rewriting the whole table. The copy function of the program makes it a nice tool when moving data from one database to another. The databases can be on the workstation or on the same or different servers. The program contains a timer function allowing synchronization of data to be scheduled at fixed intervals (for instance each night or each weekend). The program contains some error recovery and can retry processing to allow for networks and servers that go offline in an unscheduled manner. The program lets you perform character set translation and text replacement on a field-by-field basis. The shareware version of the ODBCCPY program has a requester asking you if you want to continue every 25 rows copied. Otherwise it is identical to the licensed version of the program (see the Ordering and Licensing Information). You must license the full version of the program from ISS Data if you want the requester removed. Please also see the copyright notice and Disclaimer at the back of this document. The shareware version of the program can be freely distributed in its original form, that is: in the form of the self-extracting exe file that installs the program. Installation guide =================== The ODBCCPY program is available for download from several sources. You can get it from: 1. Internet: 16-bit version: 32-bit version: 2. CompuServe: 16-bit version: GO CIS:WINSHARE,LIB 18, download: IDODBC16.EXE 32-bit version: GO CIS:WINSHARE,LIB 18, download: IDODBC32.EXE The ODBCCPY program requires you to run one of the Windows operating systems. Also you should have ODBC installed on your system and you should have access to ODBC drivers for the data sources you plan to use. The program exists in a 16-bit version and in a 32-bit version. The 16-bit version uses 16-bit ODBC drivers, the 32-bit version uses 32-bit ODBC drivers. If you use Windows 3.x, you have to use the 16-bit version. If you use Windows 95 or Windows NT, you can install either or both versions of the program. Installation of the ODBCCPY program is straightforward. Simply double click on the installation file named IDODBC16.EXE (16-bit version) or IDODBC32.EXE (32-bit version) and follow the onscreen prompts. The installation process also generates an UNINSTALL icon (16-bit) or an entry in the add/remove programs icon in the control panel (32-bit) that you can use to remove the program should you feel so inclined. The ODBCCPY program is protected by a license information file (called ODBCCPC.LIF) and a license number. The first time you start the program you have to enter the correct filename and license number into the displayed dialog. The shareware license key is: 1 (one) The program defaults to the License Information File name ODBCCPC.LIF, so unless you have changed something you can simply leave the filename entry alone. Simply enter the number 1 and press the return key. The program remembers your license number. See the chapter on Updating the License Information File for information on how to change or update the license number. Copyright information ====================== The ODBCCPY program is the property of and copyrighted by * ISS Data A/S Rentemestervej 60-62 DK-2400 Copenhagen NV Denmark Phone: + 45 38 17 17 17 Fax: + 45 38 88 26 29 E-mail: The program was written by Jorgen Grosbol in 1996 using the Microsoft Visual C++ programming language. Disclaimer =========== When you use this program, you do it at your own risk. We have done everything we can to make the program behave as well as possible, but nevertheless. Neither the author of the program nor ISS Data A/S can accept any responsibility for any damage or problems occurring as a result of the use of this software or its documentation. If anything happens it is your problem, not ours. A word of advice: This program copies and deletes data in database tables. If you use it incorrectly it may potentially delete or destroy data you did not intend to have deleted or destroyed. Please take the following precautions when testing the program: * Use test tables when trying out new scripts. * Take backups of data until you are sure everything works as intended. * Check the results of replications before accepting the program for production situations. While these precautions may not be necessary in all cases, you will probably appreciate that your life could be significantly more unpleasant than it already is if you unintentionally delete important data in your departments computer.