Please e-mail this to Stefan Cordes Compuserve: 100331,3700 Internet: or OR Mail to Albert und Stefan Cordes GbR Am Kockshof 24 40882 Ratingen Tel.: +49/(0)2102/895 816 Fax.: +49/(0)2102/895 816 (15:00-19:00 MEZ) Germany OR Register via CompuServe: GO SWREG, Registration ID: 4528 OR Register in WWW: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Registration form: CHOICE 4.15 (Windows) (newest Version) I want to pay: US Dollar ($) Please change following table, if you want another amount or shipping method. Amount What one piece total 1 CHOICE (Windows) $ 15 $ 15 1 Shipping (mark with X) (X) e-mail $ 1 $ 1 ( ) 3 1/2" disk $ 5 $ 5 ( ) 5 1/4" disk $ 10 $ 10 ------- Total: $ 16 If you order a disk you will get the actual sharewareversion and a key to register that version. If you have an aktual version or got it from the internet ( then you will not need a disk. Personal Data (must fill out): Name: Adress: City: Country: Tel: Fax: E-Mail: Statistic Data (you are free to NOT fill out): Operating System: Age: Fashion: Source of supply: Pay method: (please mark with X) ========== ( ) I pay with Credit Card: Card: ( ) VISA / ( ) Mastercard / ( ) American Express ( ) Diners ( ) Eurocard Name on card: Card Number: Valid until: ( ) I transfer the money to your BANK: Stefan Cordes Sparkasse Ratingen (BLZ 301 516 60) Account: 33 46 56 ( ) I pay with "Bankeinzug" (german accounts ONLY) Kontoinhaber: Kontonummer: Bankleitzahl: Name der Bank: ( ) I want to pay later, send me an invoice, please. Update service: (included with registration) If new versions of choice are developed the next 2 years I will get an e-mail and can order the new version for FREE via e-mail. Date, Your sign: ---------------------