JSMail is an SMTP/POP3 server. Its is shareware and is freely distributable provided that this and all the other files that came with JSMail are distributed along with it. Requests for help should be via email: jsmail@earthling.net john@j-bg.demon.co.uk The software 'JSMail' is Copyright (c) 1996-1997 John Sargent. The software remains the sole and exclusive property of the copyright holder. JSMail is licenced 'as is' and without warranties expressed or implied as to its performance or merchantability or any other warranties. No warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. JSMail is shareware. If you find it useful and continue to use it, you should register it, paying the appropriate fee of œ30 ($45) (athough I'm willing to accept more or even less if you can come up with a good exuse and I'm in a good mood). This uneregistered version restricts you to 10 mail drops and 10 auto-response options - the registered version imposes no such restrictions. If you don't register, nothing nasty will happen, no anoying splash screens will appear, I won't send the boys round. You'll just have to live with yourself knowing you're guilty of using unlicenced software, that you are breaking the spirit of shareware and that you owe me money! So come on and pay up - its not a lot of money now is it.