MailSend : A Shareware command-line Internet mailer for Window 95 and NT Version 1.03 Copyright (c) 1997 by James K. Lawless Email: Web: Table of Contents 1) What is MailSend? 2) How does one use MailSend? 3) Can MailSend be used to send mail to multiple people? 4) Registering ( paying for use of ) MailSend 5) Disclaimer 6) Help! What to do if you encounter problems. 7) Technical Specifications 8) Distribution 1) What is MailSend? MailSend is a utility that allows one to send Internet e-mail from the Win95 or NT command-line. This includes the ability to send Internet e-mail from batch files. 2) How does one use MailSend? The MailSend command-line is as follows: MailSend file smtp-server to from Where: "file" is the text-file that you desire to send "smtp-server" is the name or IP address of the SMTP server that you need to use to send e-mail ( ask your Internet provider for this address or name ). "to" is the e-mail address for the recipient of the e-mail. "from" is the e-mail address for the sender ( that's usually you!) Let's say, for instance, that you want to send file MAGAZINE.TXT to user snorky@wubble.kom and you are fred@gronk.kom and your SMTP address is simply named gronk.kom, the MailSend command-line would look like this: MailSend MAGAZINE.TXT gronk.kom snorky@wubble.kom MailSend will display a running status of it's session with your SMTP server. For the above example, the messages would look something like the following: MailSend v1.03 attempting connection to Connection successful. *** 250 gronk.kom Hello dial24.gronk.kom [], pleased to meet you *** 250 ... Sender ok *** 250 ... Recipient ok *** 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself Send complete! The messages are typical responses from an SMTP server. If MailSend encounters response codes that differ from the above, it will abort the MailSend operation ( and will exit with a return code of 1 ). 3) Can MailSend be used to send mail to multiple people? While MailSend can only be used to send one e-mail at a time, it's fairly easy to concoct a batch file to send mail to multiple people. Suppose that you wanted to create a batch file that would always send a specified file to several members of a group or mailing list. The batch file might look something like the following ( we'll call it SEND.BAT): MailSend %1 gronk.kom snorky@wubble.kom if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto abort MailSend %1 gronk.kom wudzo@warble.kom if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto abort MailSend %1 gronk.kom freen@aragones.kom if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto abort echo Mail sent! goto end :abort echo Errors! Process aborted :end Then one would simply have to invoke SEND.BAT to send MAGAZINE.TXT to the above people via the following command-line: SEND MAGAZINE.TXT 4) Registering ( paying for use of ) MailSend MailSend is shareware. It is not free. You may use it for a trial period of 30 days. If you continue to use it after 30 days or if you use it for any purposes other than purely experimental use, you are required to register the software. The registration fee for the software is $10.00 in U.S. funds for each copy that has a potential to be used ( i.e. if you have 5 people in your company and 4 of them may need to use MailSend, you are required to pay 4 registration fees ). Please remit payment by check ( drawn on a U.S. Bank ) to: James K. Lawless 2414 4th Avenue Council Bluffs, IA 51501 If you live outside of the U.S., please contact me via e-mail at to work out details. 5) Disclaimer I claim no responsibility nor liability for damages incurred to hardware / software during usage of MailSend. Nor am I responsible for any monetary losses related to use of MailSend. Use MailSend at your own risk. 6) Help! What to do if you encounter problems. If you encounter problems using MailSend, please report the problem to me via e-mail. It would be most helpful if you could capture the output of MailSend into a file as follows ( the following is just an example, you'll need to supply your own e-mail addresses and such ). MailSend MAG.TXT gronk.kom s@w.kom > ERR.TXT The "> ERR.TXT" at the end of the command will route the output into a file called ERR.TXT. If you could e-mail me this file along with a description of your problem it would make it easier for me to try and fix the problem. 7) Technical Specifications MailSend was written in a variant of the AWK programming language called TAWK ( Thompson Automation AWK ) for Win95/NT. It addresses an SMTP server by issuing a connection to port 25 of the specified SMTP server, first issuing a HELO, followed by a MAIL FROM:, RCPT TO:, DATA, ., and closes with a QUIT. Response 250 is anticipated from MAIL FROM: and RCPT TO:. Response 354 is expected from DATA. No other responses are checked after the "." is issued. 8) Distribution You may not resell MailSend, but you may include it on media such as CD-ROM shareware collections. You may also upload it to any BBS or place it on any FTP site or Web page.