webScroller 1.22

Welcome to the world of webScroller - the best way to add dynamic visual appeal to your web pages, weather it be buisness or personal.

This file contains important information.

IMPORTANT: Yuo may use this software as provided for a maximum of 30 days after installation, after that you must either order it or remove it from your and every other system it has been installed on.

Ordering Information

The full version of this software which includes features such as:

can be ordered by either contacting us or by coming to our internet home-page and ordering there by secure credit card transaction.

Installation Instructions

To use this applet, simply put the webScrollerDemo.class file in the same directory as your html files that use it, or alternatively you can use the codebase tag in the applet header.
NOTE: If you use this demo applet on your web-page/s, you must notify us via email.


webScroller is so simple to use that all that most people require in the way of documentation is the tags and tutorials below, however if you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact us.


The following are tags and there meanings in webScroller applet:

color - colors can be set in two different ways, RGB and name.


You can check out the following tutorials by simply clicking on the link to each of them , to see the source applet code that was used in the html file to create the effects seen, simply open the files(tutorial1.html, tutorial2.html, tutorial3.html) in a text editor.

Source Code

Source code is available on request from the Interactive Applications home page.


This is version 1.22 of webScroller, check our home page reguarly for updates, registered users of the full version get free lifetime updates of the product.


If you would like free support for this demonstration version of webScroller, then please send us the following information to register as a user.

General support requests/error reports or requests for features to be added to this product should be sent to us, alternatively you can fill in our feature request form on our web page.

Interactive Applications N.Z. 37A Beresford Street Bayswater Auckland 9 New Zealand Phone: +64 (9) 445-6565 email: mstokes@ihug.co.nz