Agora 1.1 for the Internet Windows 3.1 english and french versions Original package and latest version available from my home pages: english french agora.exe windows 3.1 executable program agora.hlp winhelp file with program explanations readme.wri the presentation of the agora (english) lisezmoi.wri the presentation of the agora (french) (this file) the english plain text file for archives sites * Short presentation of Agora Agora is an IRC-like. But Agora doesn't need to connect first to an IRC server. On the other hand, Agora has not all the possibilities of a true IRC. You need to be connected to a local area network or to the Internet. Agora use your local winsock.dll TCP/IP stack. With this freeware and your winsock dll you can: 1- setup a server that will accept any number of incoming private (1 to 1) calls. Each incoming call will open an individual window where you will enter your messages and receive messages from the other end of the line 2- setup any number of servers that will accept (each one) any number of incoming call (including yourself if you want). This type of server is known as a 'forum'. When any client connected to this forum enter a message, this message is forwarded to the entire set of clients of the forum. All connections and messages received by a forum server are recorded and displayed in the local server window. 3- setup any number of outgoing clients. For a client, you specify the address (or the name) and the port number of a running server (1 to 1 or forum) you want to connect to. You can, of course, connect to yourself (1 to 1 or forum server). Each client, each server and each incoming call use a socket. The number of socket is set locally by your network administrator or you Internet Service Provider, so the limit of connections you can run is only a local problem. * Setup your Agora software: 1. create a directory (eg c:\agora) 2. intall files in this directory 3. in the file manager, create an icon for agora.exe using command menu File-New-Program * DLL used : 1. winsock.dll is the DLL wich enable communication between your PC and the others on the network. It is provided by your PC seller or your Internet Service Provider. If required, you can use winsock DLL like Trumpet Winsock or Chameleon, they are available at Internet archives sites. 2. the others DLL are standard DLL, normaly provided with your Windows 3.1 sofware. They are shell.dll and commdlg.dll. DLLs must be accessible by Windows using path defined with autoexec.bat PATH command. This is also true for winsock DLL. If it is not in the path, it must be copied to the Agora directory. * Additional help Run agora.exe and execute command menu Aide-Index to display winhelp file. You will find all explanations to understand the program. * Legal notice This program is freeware, you can freely use it and distribute it (only the complete zip-file). This program is free and is provided as is. You use it at your own risks, author responsability can't be invoked for any dammage or lost caused by the program usage. If you don't agree with this terms, don't use agora and delete immediately your copy. * If you encounter any problem, or if you want to submit any suggestion, please email to the author: Robert Denoue * To try Agora now: 1. run agora.exe and from agora: 2. create a new server using Fichier | Nouveau serveur 3. give a name to the server, eg. "Server" 4. keep default port number for reception (4242) 5. click OK 6. after the server is running, connect to your own (local) site: 7. create a new client using Fichier | Nouveau client 8. enter (local host) as server address 9. enter your nickname eg. "Client 1" 10. keep default port number (4242) 11. click OK to establish connection : Now, the server receive connection request from Client 1, and open a local client window for the communication. You can enter some text in one of the two client windows. The text is sent to the other. To operate with a distant server (not on the same site, wich is the common case), you must replace address by the target server address. * Enjoy yourself! Updated on April 17, 1997.