Texas Imperial Software, maker of WFTPD, is proud to announce the release of WFTPD Pro version 2.34 for Windows NT. WFTPD Pro has the same features that have made WFTPD one of the top-selling FTP servers since 1993, including: + Full implementation of required features of FTP standard, as specified in the internet RFCs 959 and 1123. + Operates on Windows 3.1x, 95 and NT, running Winsock 1.1/2.0 TCP/IP + Can be run on non-standard ports, on any or all IP addresses in use. + Individually enable / disable anonymous access, anonymous uploads or all uploads. + Configurable messages displayed to user on greeting / farewell + Configurable maximum number of connected users and time-out on idle connections + Permit access based on user-name/password, and user's host/network address. + Rights assigned on a per-user, per-directory basis + Encrypted password database, using Unix standard encryption + Users can be restricted to their home directory and below (chroot), or allowed to access other drives and directories. + On-line help + Resume interrupted transfers using REST, SIZE, MDTM as documented in IETF draft documents for FTP extensions. + View connected users and their actions - disconnect unruly ones + Supports Unix 'ls' options - useful for allowing mirror sites. In addition, WFTPD Pro includes the following exciting new features: + Works on existing WFTPD engine to take advantage of its unparalleled speed, security and stability - has been in use at thousands of sites for several years + Runs natively as an NT service + Full context-sensitive help + Convert from one or more existing WFTPD installations to one WFTPD Pro installation, that can handle multiple "virtual" hosts + One control panel dialog allows you to administer multiple virtual hosts + Each virtual host can be restricted to a path as a whole + Use is made of new style controls (list views, etc) for a more modern look WFTPD Pro is available to existing registered users of WFTPD for $60 (limit of one discounted copy of WFTPD Pro for each copy of WFTPD you have purchased), and to others at a price of $80 per copy. The base price will rise to $100 per copy at the next version, when more features will be added. Upgrades to this next version will be free to those customers that buy WFTPD Pro now. To order WFTPD Pro, or for pricing information for 10 or more copies of WFTPD Pro, please contact Alun Jones at email address alun@texis.com, or at phone number (512) 257 2578, 9am-5pm Central Time. The address for Texas Imperial Software is 1602 Harvest Moon Place, Cedar Park TX 78613-1419 USA.