Cel Assembler 1.2 README Hello and welcome to gamani production's Cel Assembler 1.2, the graphical way to build animating GIF files. Cel Assembler provides the user with an easy-to-use interface for building an animated GIF. Features include the ability to view all the frames at once, simple visual access to all animation options, full-featured animation preview window, and basic optimization to reduce file size. NOTICE: Cel Assembler is a Shareware program. Included is a fully functional trial version of Cel Assembler. It will, however, expire after 30 days from the first time it is run. Look under the Help menu for information on registering this application. System Requirements: - Windows 95 - Some RAM, more is better - A display capable of at least 8-bit color. 16- or 24-bit color recommended - 500K of free hard drive space To Install: 1) run setup.exe Please email problems, comments, and feedback to gamtech@gamani.com. Happy animating! Copyright ©1996-97 gamani productions. All Rights Reserved.