Paul's Graphics Viewer Version 2.2b Paul's Graphic Viewer is a Windows program for viewing graphic files in the most common graphics formats. Currently the file formats supported are: Windows or OS/2 Bitmaps, Compuserve GIF files, Zsoft PCX files, JPEG files, Targa files, Tagged Image Format TIFF files and Windows ICONs. It may be used as a stand alone Windows program or be used as a graphics driver for programs such as File Manager, Explorer or ZTreeWin. Paul's Graphic Viewer is designed to support True Colour ie 15/16/24 bit colour (such as Vesa or PCI). Some 256 colour video modes will function with true colour but with reduced picture quality. GIF and other files with a 256 or 16 colour palette will translate correctly. Paul's Graphic Viewer is capable of displaying the files in various sizes and variable aspect ratios (changed by dragging the corner of the bitmap). Arguments may be passed in to the program to allow linking with other programs or from batch files. Shareware : Please see 'ORDER.FRM' for registration information Author: Paul De Leeuw (