January 1997 - What's New - Version 2.2

VBSYX Version 2.2

VBSYX Version 2.2 (the XG release) is now available for download. This version supports all Yamaha XG System Exclusive (SYSEX) messages as well as Roland GS messages. Also included is the XG/GS Random Patch Generator.

Version 2.1 provided Yamaha XG support. Version 2.2 automatically converts GS SYSEX messages to XG format.

VBSYX is written in Visual Basic 3. It requires the VB run time time library VBRUN300.DLL. You can download it if you do not have a copy of this module in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.

Click HERE to download VBRUN300.DLL

Have you ever found a MID file on the Web and wondered why it sounds like a dog's breakfast on your Sound Blaster or Korg synthesizer? Well, it was probably written for playback on a Roland GS Sound Canvas or Yamaha XG sound module such as the SC-55, M-GS64 or SW60XG. This is not a commercial for Roland or Yamaha BUT their sound modules are probably the most flexible that you can purchase today.

Now, we all know how various musicians can tweak the sound of the module with Continuous Controllers and other effects. Any decent sequencer, such as Cakewalk or Power Tracks Pro, has what is called an "Events View" of the MIDI information in which you can view this information. What has been missing to date is the ability to decode System Exclusive (SYSEX) data that is generated with such excellent PC products as Canvasman, SCEDIT, SC-Pro or XGEDIT.

I am a member of the Sound Canvas User's Group (SCUG). When this topic came up, I volunteered to write a SYSEX decoder and was swamped with requests and ideas for the program. So, here it is. It has come a long way from it's humble beginnings. Now, you may say "What good is this program to me - I don't own a Sound Canvas or XG module". Actually, this program is just as useful to you as it now allows you to see what the composer intended and this in turn allows you to set up your synth so that it plays equivalent sounds.

Highlights of the program are:

Basically, if you want to do something to SYSEX data, this program will do it or I'll eat my Internet connection.

VBSYX Version 1.5 (Roland GS only version)

Click HERE to download VBSYX 1.5 from my US mirror site

What's New in this Release?

In Version 1.1, code was added to decode SC-88 SYSEX data. This also applies to the M-GS64, which uses the same command set. Thanks are due to Roland Corporation, Australia and Dean Brewer of SCUG for providing the necessary documentation.

In Version 1.2, the interface was redesigned to add a toolbar and to fix some bugs.

In Version 1.3, support was added to decode SC-55 Bulk Patch Dumps, Global Bulk Dumps and Bulk Drum Dumps. SC-88 bulk dumps decode as well. However, certain SC-88 specific bytes may not be decoded as I do not have a SC-88 to practice on. Everything else for a SC-55, SC-88 etc should decode perfectly.

In Version 1.4, support was added for RAP-10 SYSEX data. Also added was the option to omit the show/extract of default SYSEX messages. Finally, the option to allow backward scrolling in MID/WRK files was added by popular request as well as the ability to "Go To" a message by clicking in the Summary View.

In Version 1.5, XG/GS MIDI Jukebox Version 1.5, which plays all MID files in a nominated directory, and GS/XG MIDI Reset Version 1.2, which does a GS or XG RESET and/or SC-55/SC-88 Reset on demand, were also included.

In Version 2.1, Yamaga XG support was added.Also bundled is XG/GS MIDI Jukebox Version 2.1, which includes the XG/GS Random Patch Generator.

In Version 2.2, automatic conversion of GS to XG messages was added.

Sample SYX files included in the package

These are some sample .SYX files used (a) for my testing and (b) for you to display/edit and use in your sequences as required. They are supplied as SYX.ZIP in the installation package.

ALLRAP10.SYX RAP-10 SYSEX messages
ALLSC55.SYXSC-55, SC-155 etc SYSEX messages
ALLSC88.SYXSC-88, M-GS64 SYSEX messages

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This page and its links were last updated on 12th January, 1997.