-------------------- WinTone Version 2.01 June 7th, 1997 -------------------- To Beta users ------------- To all of you who helped out in the Beta, Thanks! All bugs which were reported were fixed, and most enhancement requests were also made. Without your help, we could not have done it - Thanks! Contact me for your Registration Number if you have not already! To registered users ------------------- Anyone who has already registered a WinTone product before June 6th is entitled to a free upgrade to the 2.0 product. Please Email me for your registration number! Known Limitations ----------------- * Wintone CANNOT detect CTCSS's 67Hz PL tone. The best you can do is select the next highest, and turn your fuzzy threshold to 1. * CCIR users - Wintone is limited in its ability to correctly detect some transmissions which use FAST implementations of CCIR. If the overall tone length is less than 80ms, Wintone will have a hard time detecting it. For best results you will need to increase your sampling rate to 22050 (But beware if you have a slow machine!). * WinTone will ONLY read WAV files which are 8000, 11025, 22050 Samples/Sec and are 8 Bit Mono. 16 bit and stereo WAV files are not supported. IMPORTANT NOTE -------------- WinTone now incorporates Processor optimized Detection Methods which are stored in DLL's in the WinTone directory. They are as follows : WINTONE4.DLL 486 Optimized WinTone DLL WINTONE5.DLL Pentium Optimized WinTone DLL WINTONE6.DLL Pentium Pro Optimized WinTone DLL WINTONEM.DLL Pentium MMX Optimized WinTone DLL WINTONEX.DLL Generic/All-CPU WinTone DLL You need to copy the correct DLL to WINTONE.DLL in order to get optimum performance. For example : To Use the 486 Optimized DLL simply type the following at a command prompt : COPY WINTONE4.DLL WINTONE.DLL By Default, The Generic DLL is in use, but is slower! ***************************** Tuning the new app! ***************************** DONT BE DISAPPOINTED IF IT DOES NOT DECODE TONE OUT OF THE BOX! READ THE MANUAL.DOC for a COMPLETE understanding of how all the tuning options work. ************************** Changes from v1.51 ************************** * CTCSS and other Tone Squelch Support * Using all the same settings for sample rates as 1.51 (11,025) the program is twice as fast (much less of a CPU Hog). If you drop to 8000 Samples/Sec, it gets even better! * Plug-In DLL Support for multiple formats. Most cannot be used at the same time due to frequency conflicts. But switching back and forth is very easy. And if you want to be able to detect a new standard or set of tones - We can simply make a new DLL, and you are ready to go. * Dual and Single tone detection Capable. * Enhanced frequency options. You can see a list of the frequencies that are being watched for, as well as see the intensity of these tones on the spectrum analyzer. * Adjustible Decoding Sampling Rates - It was hard coded for 11,025 before, but now you can set it to 8000 (For faster, less CPU usage) * Better WAV file support. Versions 1.51 and older supported only 11,025 Sample/sec 8Bit Mono WAV files. This version still has the 8 Bit Mono limitation, but any sampling rate is supported (This includes monitoring (Saving) and Playing of WAV files) * Monitoring Improvements While you are monitoring to a WAV file, it now tells you how big, and how long (Time wise) your WAV file is, so you can keep tabs on hard drive usage. * Macros - You can now define substitution macros for the detected tones. For example, you can define 12345 as "Police Car #1" and 67890 as "Police car #2" and if a session detects "1234567890" it will be converted to (Police car #1) (Police Car #2). Great for CCIR and ZVEI - And even DTMF if you happen to be using DTMF Paging. * Improved Tuning options - Now you have a "Bottom Threshold", which acts as an absolute minimum detection threshold. This is used when you have a noisy transmission environment, and a (Supposedly) silent transmission causes mis-detections. This moves inversely with the standard threshold setting. * Start Recording and Start Monitoring Triggers now have an optional time limit parameter. They will only record for so many minutes after the trigger is fired. Great for paging. * Detection Grid now scrolls. No more "Detection Grid is Full" error messages. The grid will hold 100 entries then start scrolling the oldest entries off. * Macros can now be saved to a file, and loaded back from it. Good for exchanging Macro files between users. * Added an option that removes duplicate entries within a session based on tone spacing. Needed for ZVEI paging where every page is sent twice. * Made the Clear Disk log and clear detection grid different options. Now you can do one without the other. * All Grids (Macro and Trigger) are set to a Maximum of 100 Entries. Raised from the original 30 and 20. ************************ Feedback ************************ If you have suggestions, or need to report problems, contact me at rsmerker@steaksandwich.com