Delphi CodeBar 1.0: Code Editor toolbar Delphi CodeBar is a handy floating toolbar that works with the Delphi Code Editor window, and speeds up many repetitive tasks. Some of its main features are: - easy to use: just highlight some code in Delphi, click buttons on the CodeBar ... automatically updates your Code Window; - comment/uncomment code with a single click; - indent/unindent code; - insert common blocks of code: begin...end, if...then, repeat...until, procedures, others; - insert configurable comments for units and procedures; - 6 buttons, each with a popup menu -- designed to offer a lot of options without taking up much screen space; - you can Stash frequently used code ... double-click at any time to paste these code clips back into the Code Editor window; - works with Delphi 1.0 or 2.0; - more... Version: 1.0 Platform: Win95 Special requirements: None. Status: Shareware. Uploaded by the author. Registration is $12. scott virtes, scv systems scv systems 1313-K Simpson Way Escondido CA 92029 760-781-4021