List of Parameters


  1. The pipe character '|' is reserved and can only be used as a separator.
  2. Use a dash '-' for a place holder if you want to skip an optional value. For example:
<param name=link1 value="1,1,33,80|/index.html|-|Our home page.">


<param name=active_image value="/highlighted.gif">
<param name=on_image value="/selected.gif">

Used in conjunction with link(#) coordinates which are used to "cut out" pieces of the highlighted and selected images which are then drawn when the links are highlighted or selected. A typical example of this is our menu sidebar.


<param name=background value="/background.gif">
      - or -
<param name=background value="#8822dd">
      - or both -
<param name=background value="#ffffff|background.gif">

The background parameter can be either an image, a hexadecimal color value, or both. If you use both, you must separate them with the pipe character '|'.


<param name=frame value="blank">

Default frame name to target URLs (optional)


<param name=image1 value="0,0|cat.gif">

Each link(#) can have an associated image(#) param which consists of 1-2 parts each separated by a pipe '|':
  1. coordinates, (x,y) are where to display the image
  2. filename is the image to display
Image params must have a corresponding link(#) defined.


<param name=link1 value="20,20,100,80|/index.html">

Defines an active link(#) which consists of 1-4 parts each separated by a pipe '|':
  1. area coordinates, (x1,y1,x2,y2) defines active area
  2. url using either absolute or relative addressing (optional)
  3. frame target frame in which to display url (optional)
  4. status text to display, upon mouseover, in the status line of the browser (optional)
Links must be named in consecutive order from link1, link2, link3, etc... URL, frame, & status are optional.


<param name=style value="exclusive">

The style parameter is used to describe how the user will interact with the applet. The supported styles are:
  • standard - the default - when a link is clicked, it becomes selected; the next time it is clicked it becomes deselected
  • exclusive - only one link at a time can be selected
  • stayon - each link, once clicked, will remain selected
  • stayactive - each link, upon mouseover, will remain highlighted


<param name=text1 value="100,80|This is some text">

Each link(#) can have an associated text(#) param which consists of 2-3 parts each separated by a pipe '|':
  1. coordinates, (x,y) are where to display the text
  2. text is the actual text to dislplay
  3. color in hexadecimal value is the color of the type (optional)
Text params must have a corresponding link(#) defined.

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