ZipAdvisor 1.0: drive space utility ZipAdvisor is a tool to scan folders or entire hard drives to identify how much space is being used by all subfolders. Yet ZipAdvisor goes a few steps further to help you identify the bottlenecks on your hard drives. Some of its main features are: - easy to use: reports its results in an Explorer-like interface; - for each folder, reports the amount of zipped and unzipped files days since last file used; - right-click any folder to see details, to launch Explorer, more; - sort any column by clicking the column header; - performs a fast scan, can handle 1000 folders or more; - drag & drop folders onto ZipAdvisor to scan them; - select the file extensions to be counted as zip files; - select file extensions and folders to be ignored by scans; - cancel scans gracefully; - scan folders across networks; - more... Version: 1.0 Platform: Win95 Special requirements: None. Status: Shareware. Uploaded by the author. Registration is $12. scott virtes, scv systems scv systems 1313-K Simpson Way Escondido CA 92029 760-781-4021