RICHVIEW is a simple RTF data viewer for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. It displays an embedded RTF file, with footnotes. It can be easily customized to allow or prevent clipboard copying or printing. Basic application and customization tools are provided. A resource compiler and linker for Win32 is also needed (and not provided with RICHVIEW !). The default embedded file is RICHVIEW's user's manual (just launch richview.exe to read it). To install RICHVIEW, simply put the files in your target folder. RICHVIEW: Copyright (C) P. Albou, 1997, all rights reserved. e-mail: RICHVIEW is freeware. You may distribute it as you like, as long as the files in the package are not modified. Customized versions of RICHVIEW may also be freely distributed if the copyright notices of RICHVIEW's author are neither modified nor made in any way unreachable (see the embedded manual).