*************** What does this pogram do ? ************************ TREEREP.EXE is a simple to use string (text) search and replacement utility. With this program you can select any files anywhere on your computer or on the network and do search and eplacement on them. In fact, you can replace a string in all the files in a directory. If you like you can replace a string in all the files in the current directory your file list box displays and in all the files in all its subdirectories - which I call Tree-wide string replacement. This program runs only under Windows95 or Windows NT 3.51 or higher. If you Have Windows 3.1 or 3.11 version this program will not work. But not all is lost ! I have a similar DOS version program on my web-site called dirtree.zip. My web-site is at: http://www.uhu.com/tinkershop/ ************** How to use it ? ******************* Select a directory and double click on any of the files you want to work on. This will put that file into the selection box. Now you can select another file or go to another directory or even to another drive and select files. Just double click on the files to select them. If change your mind and do not want to work with the file tha you already put in the selection box, just double click on that file and it will be de-selected. If you want to see a file that you already selected, click on it and hit the ENTER key. (Large files take forever to display, and I will work on speeding it up in the next version.) To replace a string in a set of file in the entire directory select Directory-wide. You can filter files with any wildcard combination. Just like you were using DOS filters. The default is set to *.htm becuase this program was written primarily for my tool collection. In case a client will ask me to replace a phone number in the footer of their web site - well, this is the perfect tool then. So that is the story behind the file filter. (If you'd like I will compile a version with *.* defult, or *.txt or whatever the demand is.) **************** LEGAL: *********************** It is always easier to point fingers than to say: " I screwed-up ! " *************** This program is a SHAREWARE ********************** My wife said, and I quote: "You've done enough free stuff on the Internet already. Why don't you charge something for this, say, 10 bucks." So that's the scoop behind the shareware idea. For those of you who will not pay the $10 under any circumstance: You will have to send me an e-mail describing what should I look for in your city (area, country, solar system) if I would go and visit that city. Say some ancient ruins, new nuclear power plant etc. In other words, what is your city like, and what are you proud of. A maximum of one page is enough. My e-mail is: peter@uhu.com Enjoy the program. If you discover bugs let me know so I can fix it ! An " It sucks ! " will not help me much !