Thank you for trying out the Global Diary program, an easy-to-use diary program which can be used immediately without a manual or complex menus. This version is written for Windows '95. Please direct comments, suggestions and bug reports to: e-mail Directions for use: 1. Every time you run Global Diary, you will be prompted for your user name and a password. If you lose your password, you will no longer be able to access your Global Diary entries, so be sure to remember it. 2. During the initial run of Global Diary, you will be prompted to enter your preferences. Choose "OK" when you are satisfied with your choices, however, you may access them at any later time if you change your mind. Again, be sure to remember your user name and password. 3. The right mouse button gets you all the operations that you will need to use the program, experiment with them. Clicking on the map with the right mouse button gets you the diary functions and clicking on your entry gets you some editing functions. 4. The program is quickly minimized with a quick double-click on the entry area. One of our programmers thought this might be a handy feature. Some enhancements: There have been four changes added recently. It is our intention to keep the number of bells and whistles to a minimum in order to still be able to claim the "easy-to-use" tag. The changes made were all requested by people who have downloaded Global Diary and contacted us with these suggestions, we were able to implement them in an intuitive fashion, so we did. Your comments are welcome. 1. We've added a sophisticated encryption scheme which will further protect your diary entries' privacy. You can choose whether or not to use it from the preference entry form. 2. Importing your diary from files saved in previous versions of Global Diary has been made relatively painless. When you start the program, entering your usual username and password, a form will come up which will direct you in this one-step process. 3. A search function has been added to find occurences of complete words anywhere in your journal. You access it, again, with a click of the right mouse button and by selecting the "search" option that appears in the list. If the name or word is found, a box similar to the "Go to Date" box appears with the results. Double-click on your choice. 4. The ability to change your password. This can be done from the preference form. Please be sure to note your new password as you will lose access to your diary if you haven't got the right one. Ordering details: 1. In the case of sending the program out via e-mail there will be no additional charge, it will be sent as an attachment with instructions on how to "unwrap" it. 2. By way of regular mail within the US or Canada, please enclose an additional $1 US for shipping, handling and cost of disks (2). 3. Outside of US and Canada please enclose an additional $4 US for shipping, handling and cost of disks (2). 4. Please let us know which version (16-Bit or 32) when ordering.