The Clone Project The so-called "clone project" began out of frustration at the lack of tools for copying files across the network while retaining all of the attributes and long file names. It has been our practice for many years to keep a copy of a "Standard PC" on a network drive as a source for "cloning" a new PC. When a new PC would arrive, we'd create a minimal network boot diskette, reformat the drive, and load a copy of the "Standard PC" from the network. In "the old days", when using DOS and WinFWG this was accomplished with the simplest of tools. However, the adequacy of the tools today have not kept up with newer operating systems such as Win95. For example, you cannot use XCOPY at the MSDOS real mode to copy hidden or system files (although in the 32bit mode, you can!). Even after an exhaustive search of the Internet, all of the shareware/ freeware tools I found had a fatal flaw. Some couldn't deal with hidden and system files, one couldn't deal with hidden directories, one wouldn't copy empty directories. Oddly enough, the utility most often recommended on Usenet news would corrupt files if copying across a network! So, I decided to write my own "copy tool" call CLONE. It is designed to copy every file (no matter what!) from one directory to another. The source and destination can be either a floppy, hard disk, CDROM, or network drive. It runs from the MSDOS real mode and is small enough to fit on the "network boot diskette". Ah, but that's not all... I also needed a tool that could recreate the long file names after the files were copied. Once again, all of the shareware/freeware tools I could find had a fatal flaw. One program created a MSDOS batch file to restore long file names, but it couldn't rename hidden files and couldn't retain the VFAT creation and access dates. Duncan Murdoch's DOSLFNBK program came very close to meeting my needs, but it couldn't create a backup file from an NTFS partition. So, I decided to write my own "long file name backup tool" called NTLFNBK. It is essentially an NT version of DOSLFNBK that can backup (but not restore!) long file names on a NTFS partition. I now use NTLFNBK to create the backup file and then use DOSLFNBK to restore the files after they are copied. Both CLONE and NTLFNBK are truly public domain. That means that you can do anything you wish with these programs (to include trying to make money from them!). The C source code is included and there are no restrictions on its use. The latest version of CLONE and NTLFNBK are always available via anonymous FTP from Emmet P. Gray US Army, HQ III Corps & Fort Hood Attn: AFZF-PW-ENV Directorate of Public Works Environmental Division Fort Hood, TX 76544-5057