Punchcard ver1.0 by Chris Salmon (Chris_Salmon@compuserve.com) Punchcard is SHAREWARE, meaning you can use it for a 30 day trial period after which you have to either register by sending off the below form, or remove it from your system. Please respect the shareware system's and my wishes by complying with the above statement. Please distribute freely. Introduction: Punchcard originated as an idea after I had spent ages listening to people complaining about their computer, and how it's use was spread among it's users. It seemed to be that someone always had to do something important on the computer, while the person actually using it spent ages on some seemingly frivolous game. This had been the source of many disputes, and so I decided to do something about it. It was this, combined with similar letter's from PC FORMAT's readership, that convinced me that a program that logged and controlled use of the computer would be beneficial. So here it is. Options: Punchcard has two specific roles between which it can switch. One is to log the time and the date at which the computer is turned on and off, with one set of time regulations for all. The second is to log the time and the date at which specific users log in and log out, which each user having a set of restrictions. The log file location can be specified, but the drive in which the program is to be used must contain a "\WINDOWS" directory. Setup: To setup a 'one set of restrictions for all users' logging system: 1. Run "PUNCHCRD.EXE" 2. An options window will appear. 3. Select the 'Disable username and password selection' radio button. 4. Enter a supervisor name and supervisor password. These will be needed to change the options once set. Choose something that you will remember. 5. Select the two times between which access is allowed. (Select from 00:00 and to 24:00 to allow 24-hour access). Any time is allowed to be entered as long as it is in the HH:MM format. 6. Enter the path for the logfile in the 'Path including name of logfile' box. Click Browse to show a filebox. Just select a directory and this box will be filled in for you. 7. Select the time interval for the program to back up the time elapsed. e.g. if you picked 10 mins, the program saves the time every 10 mins. In the event of the computer shutting down without the program logging out, the next time the program is started, it amends the file to show the time taken before the shutdown. 8. Select the 'Enable Messages' box if you want confirmation of the time logged in, time logged out and time taken in the form of pop-up boxes. To setup a 'multi-user' logging system: Follow steps 1-2 above. 3. Select the 'Enable username and password selection' radio button. Enter a username, and the relevant password. Enter the user time restrictions as above. Press 'Next User' The username, password and time restriction fields will clear. The first user has been entered. This is shown by the user number having increased to 2. To change a user's entry, find it using the next/previous user buttons, and then just change the entry, the records will update themselves to register this change. 4. Set a supervisor name. This should be identical to that of one of the user's names, as once logged in, this user will be able to change these settings. Follow steps 6-8 as above. Use: To finally ensure the program logs the startup of the system, the program should be placed in the startup window. To do this in Windows 3.11 or earlier double-click on the StartUp window and then select File/New, entering the program location details. This should load the program on startup. In Windows '95, goto the Start Menu and select Settings/Taskbar. Click on the Start Menu Programs tab, then the Add.. button. Enter the location, then click on Next, and select StartUp. Then type 'Punchcard' and hit Finish. Now hopefully the system should be setup. In a multi-user system, whenever the program is loaded, a window will pop-up asking for the user's name and password. These are matched with those from the setup window to allow access if the user is within their allowed times. In a system with only one set of regulations, the time is just logged, and the program runs in the background. To examine the log, load any word processor, such as Notepad, and open the log file. Comments and Queries: If I have not answered your queries in this file, please feel free to e-mail me at: Chris_Salmon@compuserve.com Oh, and visit my band's homepage at: http://ww.geocities.com/Sunset_Strip/Towers/5152/index.html Registering: Please register by sending this form to: Chris Salmon : Punchcard, 38 Tawfield, Bracknell, Berks, RG12 8YU, ENGLAND. Registering entitles you to free updates to the software, more user support and peace of mind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: _____________________________________ Address:_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Where found Punchcard:_________________________ No. Copies required:____________________________ I enclose £3.00 per copy (English Pounds (Stirling) only please) of Punchcard. Signed:_______________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C) Copyright 1997 Christopher Salmon.