AskWait Version 1.00 by Jesse B. Gregg AskWait is a simple utility for batch files that prompts the user for a response to a question and sets the ERRORLEVEL appropriately. While there are quite a few utilities that do this same thing, AskWait adds the feature that in the event that the user does not type any response within a specified amount of time, AskWait will default to the first acceptable response and continue operation. The syntax for AskWait is as follows: ASKWAIT will display the copyright info and a brief description of the proper syntax. ASKWAIT [prompt] [time to wait] [possible answers] where [prompt] is any number of words you wish AskWait to display [time to wait] is the number of seconds you would like AskWait to wait for the response [possible answers] are the responses that AskWait will accept. Example: ASKWAIT Do you want to run CHKDSK? 10 yn This will display "Do you want to run CHKDSK?" and will wait for an answer for 10 seconds and if no answer is given, AskWait will set the Errorlevel to 0 and continue. If you want to comment on the program or want to find the most current version (if there are ever any more), I can be reached at PVCC BBS in Westfield, MA (413) 568-4466. There is no registration for AskWait so use it if you need it and enjoy. AskWait was written in C++ with the Zortech 3.0 C++ Compiler. AskWait is released as freeware AS IS. There are no guarantees regarding the use of this software, either explicit or implied. The author takes no resposiblity for any damage that use of this program may cause.