FNFILER.EXE Feathernet BBS File Manager (For Feathernet Version 3.34) This is a very preliminary release of the Feathernet bbs file maintenance utility. This will allow you to manage the file directories with very little effort on your part. Presently (Version 3.33) FNFILER.EXE will just move files and descriptions from the UPLOAD DOS Directory and the 'UPLOADS' listing file to the appropriate dos directory and DIRx file directory listing. The 'ground work' has been done on a much more useful and flexible File Manager. FNFILER.EXE will evolve into this pretty quickly. Notice ------ As a single programmer operation, it is the desire of Feathernet Software to bring you the BEST possible software at a SUPER price. I ask you to be patient on the major modifications. Feathernet BBS will make its claim to user friendliness and ease of maintainability in the forthcoming months. To use fnfiler.exe CHDIR to the main bbs directory as you would in running 'fnetsm.exe'. Then type 'fnfiler c:\fnet' if the node you are updating is located in 'c:\fnet'. FNFILER [path to 'dirdata']