01/10/91, here are some extra notes! THIS PROGRAM NEEDS "DOORWAY"! Please be aware that the program does no serial port re-direction or no carrier disconnect detection on its own. I highly recommend getting a copy of Marshall Dudley's 'drwy212.zip' (or later) to do that job quite handily. This program uses ONLY 120K bytes of ram. Doorway uses another 65k bytes. I recommend shelling out of the board to start the door. Within PCBSetup's main or conference config, you'll find the lines for the 'door menu listing' file and the 'door path/name list' file. The menu listing file (DOOR) is an ascii file. The path/name list file ('DOOR.LST') is a pcb file. Within door.lst: put filename to 'logger', put door.sys to 'Y', put shell to 'Y' if you got 200K of ram, and put path to door files to 'd:\logger3\'. THIS PROGRAM WILL READ EIGHT ITEMS OUT OF "DOOR.SYS". When door.sys is read, the program grabs and uses: 1) name 2) city/state 3) work phone 4) home phone 5) password 6) last date called 7) graphic/non-graphics mode and finally (on line 50) the 8) user's comment. ( I really wish there was more info in door.sys to use ) There are 8 line fields in the upper part of the record. If in doorway mode, lines 3/4/5/6/7 get filled in from door.sys. I put city/state into the 3rd spot & user comment in the 7th. When in non doorway mode, an ADD starts taking information at field 3. In doorway mode, an ADD starts taking information at field 7. WHY IS IT READING THE PASSWORD??? Most importantly, it takes the name + the password and makes it into an access KEY to allow only the original maker of the record to modify or delete the data record. When a new record is made, the access key is created and placed in the .dbf field #17. This database field is NEVER shown, and there is NO way of getting at it. WHY DOES THE PROGRAM GRAB "LAST DATE CALLED" FROM DOOR.SYS? The program compares the date that the user logged onto the bulletin board last TO the creation date of the last record in the database. If there are new records created on a later date, the program pops up a notification line. This is what I consider as a automatic 'NEW' info notification function. When the the sysop wants to do maintainence, he would enter locally and not have the letter 'd' in his/her config file. Numlock works ( ie. using 7/8/9/1/2/3 ) in browse mode if your user cannot toggle on doorway mode in their comm package to use the arrows. Pack out deleted records during an event. In a multi-node bbs, line 7 of the config file ( the line that points to where 'door.sys' is kept ) should point to the different nodes, ie. c:\pcb1, c:\pcb2, c:\pcb3, etc. Hey sysops, would this work out better is it was an environment variable? Different confer- ences could have different title and look by sharing the same executable but having different config files. You could trade baseball cards in conf. 1 and post people needing work in conf. 2. Yell for help and I'll try hard to get you an answer back fast. My BBS is 'Symbol Technologies TSS BBS' at 714/549-6669.